Chapter 1

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Ruby's p.o.v

I stood on the cliff where my moms grave was.

Ruby: Hey mom. Sorry I haven't come by in a while. Things have been... Well, things have been pretty busy. Oh! Dad's here too. He's, you He's still teaching at Signal, but he told me he's going to be going out on some missions soon. I think he misses adventuring with you. I miss you too. Haven't got kicked out of Beacon yet! So that's cool. I think being on a team with Yang helps. I keep her in line. That was a joke. She's actually a really great fighter, you can tell she's learned a lot from Dad. Well so are Weiss and Blake. Oh! They're my teammates. Together we form team RWBY. And yes, before you ask, that does cause a lot of confusion... Anyways, uh, I made a bunch of new friends and boyfriend named Sonic. And I met some... let's just say, odd teachers. Oh! We've also stopped some bad guys too! I guess it's like they say: Like mother, like daughter. I still wonder why Ozpin let me into the school early. But uh, I guess he'll tell me one day. You know how he is. It's funny, the more I know him, the more he starts sounding like uncle Qrow.

I heard a bark behind me. I turned around to see Zwei and my dad.

Ruby: Oh! Looks like dad's back. I gotta go! He's dropping me off at Beacon for the tournament match before he goes on his next mission! Wish me luck!

I put my hood on and ran to dad.


(Sonic p.o.v)

After watching team RWBY kick butt, it was my teams turn to show off. I met up with Shadow, Silver, and Blaze before heading out. I pulled out my glove and summoned Excalibur.

Sonic: Everybody ready?

Silver: Heh, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't.

Blaze: I feel like it's been forever since I got to show off my skills.

Shadow: Hmph. Let's just get this over with.

Side by side we entered the arena and faced our opponents. We could hear Professor Port and Ozpin do commentary.

Port: And now, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for team SEGA! And their opponents, team CRDL!

Blaze: Cardin's team? I thought they wouldn't make an appearance this volume.

Sonic: I guess the author wanted to warm us up before giving us a real challenge.

Cardin: What was that!?

Port: And...

Soon a forest appeared behind us and a desert appeared behind team CRDL

 Port: ...Begin!

We each split up and took on a member of Cardin's team. Of course, I was the one who took on Cardin himself. He ran up to me and started swinging his mace but he couldn't land a single blow. I stopped dodging his attacks for a moment and ran in place.

Sonic: You're too slow!

That was a mistake because his next swing came so fast I needed to block it with Excalibur. The blow was powerful enough to knock me back.

Excalibur: Master Sonic, it seems Master Cardin's strength is vastly superior to yours. One hit with that mace may lead to you losing this fight.

Sonic: Gee, thanks captain obvious.

Cardin swung his mase again and this time the attack pushed me all the way into the forest. 

Excalibur: Master Sonic, I believe this place would certainly give you the advantage in your fight against your opponent.

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