Chapter 2 and 3

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(Shadow POV)

I walked around the fairgrounds for a long while, thinking about what that guy said down in the underground city. Who was he? And who is this greater enemy that he spoke of?

Shadow: I've got a feeling that Ozpin didn't tell me everything that day.

???: Hey there, Shadow!

I turned around to see a bat Faunus.

Shadow: Rouge.

Rouge: It looks like I'm heading for the doubles round.

Shadow: The only reason you're even in the tournament was because you and Amy needed to replace Sage and Scarlet in team Sun.

Rouge: What can I say? The four of us make a good team.

It started to get quiet for a few seconds.

Rouge: Hey Shadow? You've been a little distant since the day we stopped Eggman. What's on your mind?

Shadow: ... You and I both know Eggman went down too easily.

She nodded.

Rouge: Yeah.  Every time we tried to arrest him on Mobius, he'd find a way around it and escape. It's strange how he comes to this world and suddenly gets arrested without any real effort. I can only guess that he's up to something far greater. But how can you prove it with no evidence?

Shadow: I... I don't know. But right now-

Rouge: What is it?

Shadow: I sense two people fighting. And it's not in the arena. Let's go.


Rouge and I ran to the courtyard where a large group of students were gathering around a fight between two huntsmen. Suddenly Mercury and Aka ran out the group and Aka bumped into me.

Shadow: Are you okay?

I held out my hand and helped her up.

Aka: Yeah. Aka needs to watch where she's going next time.

I then noticed that she was wearing a cast on her right arm.

Shadow: What happened to your arm?

Aka: Huh? Oh, Aka broke it during the battle in the tournament. But no need to worry. Aka's strong so she can handle herself. Anyway, Aka got's to go. See Shadow later!

And with that, she ran off. I then saw a Chaos Emerald on the ground where she fell and picked it up.

Rouge: Did that girl drop it?

Shadow: I think so.

Rouge: Do you think she's...?

Shadow: No. She could have easily picked it up without knowing what it is. But this does mean we have all seven chaos emeralds. So if something big does happen, we may be ready.

I then noticed Ironwood walking up to stop the fight with Penny behind him. I also discovered that one of the people fighting was Weiss's sister and the other was Ruby's uncle, Qrow.

Ironwood: Schnee!

Winter: General Ironwood, sir!

Ironwood: What in the world do you think you're doing?

Winter: He started the altercation, sir.

Qrow: That's actually not true, she attacked first.

Ironwood: Is that right?

Winter looked down in guilt and Ironwood looked around at all everyone who was watching. Then at Qrow.

Ironwood: And you? What are you doing here?

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