Meeting JYP

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See this is the part in life where I just want to die in a hole.


I was so excited even just touching JYP's door nob was honor to me. So as I opened the door guess what happened.

I just so happened to walk into a meeting with twice and JYP. I love my life. Me being me, and me being awkward, I tripped over my feet and landed straight on me butt in front of them.

"Um.... am I interrupting something?" God, why do I have to be so embarrassing. "Oh, Miss. Choi Eun. Your early." Oh I am twenty minutes early. Chae-won must reset my alarm clock again as a prank. She's going to be sorry about that later.

"Sorry about that, I'll just leave you to your meeting." I said as walking out of the room and closing the door. I didn't even wait for a reply I just left. Wow you made such a good impression Eun. Not.

I'm just going to go set out in the lobby now and contemplate my life now.

Flashback over

"Miss Choi they're ready for you." So now you want to tell if they're ready. Regardless, I still thanked her with a fake smile.

I once again touched the honored handle and opened the door, this time without twice in the room. "Ah Choi Eun we meet again." "It seems so." OMG I'm freaking out on the inside right now.

"I'm guessing you know why your here today." "Yes." "Well the person that scouted you also sent me the video of you performing at the cafe, and let me just say Miss Choi I'm impressed about how young you are and you performance indeed." How did I happen to be this lucky that JYP happened to watch a video of ME singing.

"Thank you Mister JYP. It's an honor to be complemented by you sir." "Your welcome, Now I'm going to need you to sign some paperwork." Okay" I said as he handed me the paperwork. As I scanned over it it didn't seem that bad. I quickly sign the paper then give the paper back to him.

"Okay Miss Choi you will start Monday and come here Mondays though Saturdays 4:00to 9:00pm after school, Enjoy the rest of you weekend." "Okay bye." Well guess it's time to go.

I wonder how the rest of my life is going to turn out after this.... It will probably be fine I mean being a idol can't be that hard right?

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