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Alice's POV

.....RYAN? MY EX BOYFRIEND FROM MADRID!?? "Remember me babe?" he said grinning. He untied the ropes and I stood up for once in a week and my legs were so sore! "ok can I go home now? babe?" saying babe was like poison to my mouth.. I started to walk to the door when he grabbed my arm, "you're not going anywhere! How can I trust you alone not to tell!?" he shouted. "I promised! I don't break promises! And if you love me...you would trust me and let me gooo!" I mumbled nervously. This guy was shady...he threatened to kill me!!! "I love you, but.. You can only go out with me! And remember, I always carry my knife!" he said grinning.. Omg how did I ever date him!!!??

He finally agreed to take me out for lunch at Resto Band! Hopefully someone from the studio would recognise he'd taken me and help!! I was in old smelly clothes and I stunk of weird basement!! he pushed me into the shower and told me be quick. I stumbled in and this place looked VERY fancy!!!

Violettas POV

I had my operation earlier and now I'm waiting for Leon to come take me home! "Hello darling!" he said walking up to me and kissing me on the cheek. "Awww hiya Leon!" I squeaked hugging him. He grabbed hold of my hand and led me to his car. He had a new red Ferrari! We got in and he started up the car. I smiled at him and we were on our way back to my house!

Suddenly he swerved a random corner. "uh Leon? Where are we going? This is the wrong way to my house!" I said confused. He ignored me and pulled up to a restaurant. Resto Band! Old memories! "Thank you so much leon! I love this surprise!" I said giving him and tight hug. We walked in and it was nearly empty only a few tables with one or two people. I guess this place went downhill ever since the studio moved away. we walked to a table and sat down. I wiped the dust off the dirty table and read the menu. After about 20 minutes of boring waiting a waiter approached. "I'll have pure orange juice and spaghetti bolognese, with extra cheese, sause and large shrimp salad please!" I squeaked. "I'll have a strawberry smoothie and a ham and cheese toastie." said Leon smiling. after the waiter left Leon stared at me then said, "vilu why are you eating so much? Wait, you don't think you're..." He thought I was..."leon! I was just hungry!" I stuttered. Suddenly I saw Alice sitting at a table with some guy?! I jumped out of my seat and ran over. Leon quickly followed me. "what's going on here!!??" I screamed in the guys face, "how dare you kidnap her!!!??" Leon grabbed Alice's arm and pulled her into a hug. "I'm her boyfriend! get off her!" he shouted pushing leon. I grabbed my phone a dialled 999. "hey don't do that!" shouted the guy trying to grab my phone. Leon pushed him back letting me keep dialling. Suddenly as I was talking to the police Officer I heard a bang. Alice and Leon were knocked out cold! I ran over him and grabbed him by his hair and pinned him to the wall. He screamed in pain as I punched his face in hard! I bet you didn't know I was a bodybuilder!😋

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