Bye Bye Studio 21

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Francesca's POV

It was our last day, the last Normal morning walking into the studio together.. I'm gonna miss this place! 😭 No Fran shhh, don't cry until later! Omg I've lost it and am talking to myself. "hey guys!" squeaked Alice running through the doors, "I'm late as always!" She stood beside maxi her NEW boyfriend!

Today in each class 2 seniors will be picked from each subject and will get a big chance to get a career in the subject. I want- no need singing!

Me and Cami got music, Broadway and Leon got dance, now I have to get singing!!

"Ok our two singing seniors are violetta and Francesca!" chirped angie smiling, "But Fran you'll have to pick between dance and singing. Inform us tomorrow when you've talked to your parents!"

At Francesca's House:

I sat at the dinner table with my family. "So mum what should I do?" I said softy. They were the only way I could make my decision..I wanted singing, but music might get a better job! "sweetheart, I think you should pick singing because it has always been your passion." said mum drinking some juice. "No Beth! Music is a much better choice, it gives her more opportunities!" said my dad licking his lips. They growled at each other and were about to argue more when I shouted, "STOP IT!! HOW ABOUT I PICK NOTHING BECAUSE YOU TWO ARE NO HELP!!" They then confusedly looked at me as I got up and ran out the door of the house.

Violettas POV

I couldn't help but ring leon!

L hello?

V hi it's violetta

L oh hey babe what's up?

V The sky!! 😝

L haha so funny! So your happy then?

V yeah because I'm dating you babe!

L I've got to go now..see ya darling!

V bye and kisses!

I hung up. Leon was so cute! hehe! I lay on my bed and started to write about Leon and colour in hearts.

'I <3 Leon, I <3 Leon! <3<3<3'

"Vilu!" screamed fran bursting into my room and flopping beside me. "Fran? what are you doing here!?" She looked down sadly, "I know it's late sorry! But I need to talk to you!" she pleaded with puppy dog eyes. "no no puppy dog eyes! Ugh what do ya want!?" I said giving in. "I don't know which subject I should choose, singing or music!" I looked at her sympathetically. "well singing, because I'm doing singing too and we could be partners!" I squeaked happily hugging her. "but I don't want to disappoint my dad!" she moaned pulling out of my hug. "well I know how you feel, but you need to follow your heart! Your dad'll understand at some point!" I smiled. she smiled back, "oh thank you vilu! you're right! Singing it is!" she said crying tears of joy while hugging me. When we pulled apart she grinned and said, "thanks for the help vilu, but I've got to get back home of my parents'll call the police!" we both giggled then she left. "VIOLETTA!! DINNER!!!" shouted my dad up the stairs.

Germans POV (never done before!!😛)

"VIOLETTA! ITS GETTING COLD!!" I shouted from the dinner table. Why is violetta acting like this all of a sudden!? it's probably that rude boyfriend of hers, Diego! "dad I'm here!" she mumbled flopping into her seat. "violetta! Behave!" I scolded. She laughed then angrily said, "dad I'm tired, just leave me be!" Luckily olga and angie came in with food before I exploded with anger!! "Violetta please calm down! We could hear you from the kitchen!" scolded angie. "PLEASE CAN YOU ALL JUST BE QUIET AND EAT!? I just...." Violetta blurted out. Usually angie my love, could calm her down. She grabbed her food and went into the kitchen leaving me and angie alone. "So Hermy, do you have any idea what's wrong with her?" said angie looking worried, "I have no idea and Ive been so worried about her lately..." I hugged her. "you know you're the best mum ever!" I smiled, "and I love you with all my heart!" she giggled, "that's why I've got this ring!" she held her hand up to show her diamond engagement ring. "Yep and you look beautiful!" I put my hand on her cheek and we were 1mm from kissing when vilu burst out of the kitchen. " I interrupting anything?" she said giving a naughty smile. "no!" blurted angie jumping away from me. "okay..? I'm going to bed now..goodnight" said vilu walking up the stairs. The second she went into her room, me and angie went back to where we were...💏

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