Chapter 2 - Killer croc

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"Status update"! Gordon screamed through the walking talkie. "He's unstoppable, even for bullets"! One officer replied
"We can't take him down, we are loosing more and more men" another officer replied. "Get out of there"! Gordon ordered. "We can't... AAAAHH"!!! Sergeant Montoya screamed. "Montoya, Montoya. Are you alright?"! Gordon screamed but didn't get an answer. "Is anyone out there alright?"! Gordon asked worried but no one responded.

*inside the batcave"
"Tiffany, grab your stuff. Your first mission starts now" Bruce Wayne said while dressing up as Batman.
"Finally"! Tiffany responded. "Don't get to enthusiastic, I will come with you" Batman said.
"So what's our mission?" Tiffany asked while taking on her equipment. "Don't know yet" Batman responded.
"Ok..." Eagle, Tiffany's alter ego said while jumping in the batmobile next to Batman.

*at GCPD rooftop*
"You called on us" Batman told Gordon. "Us?" Gordon asked while turning around to see Batman. "Wait, Who is she?" Gordon asked while looking at Eagle. "She will help me make Gotham to a safer place" Batman responded.
"Fine" Gordon said. "Why did you call on us?" Eagle asked Gordon.
"I have lost connection with a squad of police officers and sergeant Montoya. We got report that a *giant monster* is under Gotham bridge. So I sent a squad. However it didn't end the way we had hoped. I think it's best if I just let you hear the conversations." Gordon said to Batman and Eagle before he played the conversation.
"If you get contact with any of the officers tell them that help in the way." Batman told Gordon the moment before he and Eagle jumped down of the roof.

*under Gotham bridge*
"Where is everyone?" Eagle asked Batman while looking at the area where she expected to see many bodies but couldn't find any. "Let's find out" Batman responded.
*Eagle activated her drone and remotely flew it around the area while it were searching for heat signatures*
"No heat signatures here, except for that bird over there" Eagle said.
"Any chemicals?" Batman asked. "Clean" Eagle responded while looking on her glasses display. On that display she could see everything her drone could. "Do you feel that smell?" Eagle asked Batman. "Yes, it smells like a sewer." Batman responded "I know, only problem is there's no sewers close enough to feel the smell" Eagle told Batman.
"Search for vibrio cholerae, if something here has anything to do with a sewer we will find cholera bacteria." Batman said. "Will do but it will take a few minutes for the result." Tiffany responded.
"So, heard anything else from Alfred?" Eagle asked. "Well, only that he's having the time of his life in Hawaii, I can't believe it's already been 3 months since he left." Batman responded. "Who or what do you think this *monster* is? Eagle asked. "No idea but I'm not looking forward to find out." Batman replied.
"Oh the results are finished, let's see..."Eagle said. "Just as you said, there are reading of vibrio cholerae here. It's seems to come from behind the pillar" Eagle told Batman, "Good job"! Batman responded while walking to the other side of the pillar.
"What is that?" Eagle asked. "It looks to be the same material as crocodile skin." Batman responded.
"Send your drone to follow the trail of crocodile fiber. It should lead us to this *monsters* location" Batman told eagle but didn't get an answer.
"Oh my goddess" Eagle said with fear in her voice while looking out on the water.
*there low hundreds of pieces from human bodies. There were impossible to see how many were killed but Eagle could assume it was at least 20 officer that were killed.
"They weren't here when we came" Batman told Eagle. "I know, someone or something dumped them here while we were searching the area." Eagle responded.
"We can't wait here any longer, this *monster* is capable to do horrific things, we must stop him" Batman said
"Of course... I'm sending my drone to follow the crocodile fiber trail." Tiffany said.
"I call Gordon and tell him what we got here." Batman said

*5 minutes later*
"We got a location"! Eagle told Batman. "Good job, I call Gordon. Let's take this *monster* down." Batman said with a angry voice.

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