The note

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Vincent's POV
I'm meeting Rebecca today for lunch.As much as I hate lying to Catrina I don't know why I keep doing this.I admit I have feelings for Catrina and I think I'm in love with her by now but I'm so scared because I have never loved someone in my life.Right now I'm getting ready."ugh..what happened"I hear Catrina say.Making me chuckle"You drank to much"."My head hurts"she says.Shes so beautiful I'm glad she's gonna be the next queen.Im trying to end the affair between me and Rebecca but she's to stubborn so I'm gonna ended it today wether she likes it or not."So do you wanna go out to lunch with my family"she tells me."Uhm..I can't I have to meet up withuuhhmm...Oliver..yeah Oliver"I say.Im such a bad liar."Oh..ok"she says"Well I'm going out with Vannesa".I think she's getting changed."Well I'm leaving"she says.I get out of the bathroom and see she's wearing a short crop top and damn she looks hot."You're going like that"I say while clenching my jaw."Yeah is there a problem"she says while giving me this face."Don't you think it's to revealing or-"I try to come up with another excuse"not to royalty"."I don't care it's my life"she says.Before I say anything she leaves again.Wow..she keeps doing that.I text Rebecca<Hey are you there>. I see she texted back <yeah I'm waiting for you babe💜>.Ew. <K>.I go to my car and go to this restaurant that we are supposed to go meet up in.I enter and the waitress leads me to the table that Rebecca was at.I see Rebecca using her phone but then she looks up and then sits straight.She gets up and trys to kiss me but I tilt my head so she could get my cheek.She seems disappointed but I don't really care.I sit down across from her."So how are you babe"she asks me battling her eyelashes."What do you want I told you a millions of times that it's over"I tell her."But you keep coming back to me don't you..and I know you don't want that poor excuse of a girl"she says."Don't talk about her like that"I tell her with anger in my voice.She seems surprised"I'm sorry but even though you were with her you still had an affair with me"she says."Look..that was a mistake"I say.She starts leaning in and then she put her hand on the back of my head and pulled me into her.We kissed for like 5 seconds then I got back to reality and knew this was wrong so I pushed her back."Rebecca stop ok I'm gonna say this as nicely as I can I don't wanna be with ure hore ass"I tell her then get up and leave.I get into my car and head to Oliver's because I don't have nothing to do.I arrive at Oliver's and just go ahead and let myself in."Hey wh-oh hey man what's up"he tells me."Nothing I just have some problems"I tell him."Is it girl problems"he asks me."Yeah I probably sound lame but can you help me out"I ask him."Yeah what do you want me to tell you"he says."Well you know Catrina...well I have grown feelings for her but I had an affair with Rebecca"I tell him.He looks at me like I growed two heads."Rebecca the slut princess dude she's a fake ass and dude how could you do that to Catrina"he says."I know I ask myself the same thing"I tell him."Did you end the affair thoe"he asks me."Yeah"I tell him."Then that's ok as long as Catrina dosent find out that happened then that's ok"he says."Thanks man"I tell him.We talk for a little bit and then play on the pool table.I say goodbye to him and head back home.I arrive and I see Catrinas car so she must be home.I go to our room and see that a little bit of her things are missing then I see a note with her car keys and the engagement ring I gave her next to a note.I read the note and it said

Dear Vincent,
Well for starters I grew to have feeling for you.You gave me everything and thank you for that because you made sure everything was perfect and that I was safe.It was an honor on getting to know you but I was dumb in of to fall for you.I knew you couldn't have feelings for a village girl.I thought I had a chance but I honestly saw for myself that I didint.I knew you had more of a princess type and I'm sorry I never gave you that and that I wasn't the one you expected it.As much as I hate leaving you but it was for the best I wanted you to be happy and not be stuck with me.I hope you are happy with Rebecca and yes I know about you're affair and that broke my heart.I leave you the engagement ring you gave me and the car keys and the things you bought me.I hope you get married and give the village an amazing queen because Rebecca was right I was a sad excuse of a queen.The last thing I want you to know is I had an amazing time and thank you.
                                Catrina De Leon

When I finished reading the letter I was crying.How could she be gone.I knew this was gonna happened I'm such a dumbass how could I do this to her.How would my mom react to she would kill me.I grab my keys and go to my car and drive to my parents castle.I get out of the car and run towards where my parents were.My mom sees me and looks at my face and her face grows worried."Honey ehat happened where is Catrina"she asks me."She left and It was all my fault"I tell her."What did you do"she asks me with wide eyes.I see my dad growing worried."I had an affair with Rebecca and she called of the wedding"I tell her.My mom gives me a disappointed look"You had an affair what kind of person has an affair only the dumb people do...son I am so disappointed on you and why Rebecca huh..she is just a goldigger and Catrina was an amazing young lady"she says with anger in her voice.Im sorry"I tell her."Damn Well you are you don't even know where she is right now and what would you do without a queen to huh and don't you remember what I told you"my dad says."I love her"I tell them.They look at me with wide eyes."Then you better fix it"My mom says."You're mom's right you better talk to her because it may be to late"My dad says."You messed up son"My mom says.They both hug me.

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