Caught Part 2

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     I'm going to start doing povs now because I wanna try something new tell me what you think.

     Eddie's pov:

     I woke up in my bed, covers pulled up to my chin. Ugh, school morning. I went to get out of bed when I felt something pull me back in. I turned, seeing Richie asleep with his arms around my waist. And something felt... damp? I looked down, seeing a baby diaper taped onto me. It was stained yellow, meaning I had an accident. That's when I remembered the events from yesterday. I whined, needing a change, but I knew Richie would be mad if I woke him up, especially when he doesn't have to be reddie for school for another hour. I snuggled against him, my wet diaper causing a weird, pleasurable friction against my dick. I couldn't touch myself, though. I'd get in trouble. I sighed, wishing I was little. I wetted a little more, hoping to leak into the bed. For some reason leaking made me feel small and babyish, and I really liked it. I sucked on my paci before closing my eyes, hoping to wake up soaked. I smiled at the thought, dribbling slowly into my diaper.

     I woke up again to the sound of Richie's sweet, soothing voice.

     "Wake up, baby. It's time to go to school."

     I squirmed a bit, feeling my soaked diaper. I smiled, sucking my paci contently. I was a good baby.

     "Morning, Daddy."

     "Oh, someone's big."

     I nodded, squirming in my diaper, loving how it made the pee leak out into a puddle on the bed.

     "Aw, sweet baby needs a change. Come here, angel. Dada will make you all better."

     I felt tears coming to my eyes. I liked the wet diaper, I didn't want a fresh one anymore.

     "No, Dada, please! I wike dis un it alreddie wetted and it feel good."

     "I know, baby, but you'll get diaper rash. You can wet the new one, okay? But I need you to be big for me at school, okay? You can call me Dada, but that's it. No wetting and no babying today, got me?"

     I pushed myself to be big again, and it worked. I was scared of what would happen if I slipped up at school and had an accident, after all I'm not really potty trained anymore. It all kinda left me. I can't even tell when I have to potty anymore, and the potty looks really bug and scary now.

     "Dada, does that mean I have to wear underwear until we get home?"
     "Yes, little princess, it does. Go grab some big boy underwear."

     I let tears fall. I hated big boy underwear. Diapers make me feel safe and protected.

     Richie changed me into the undies, then told me to go potty.

     "Daddy, can I use the baby potty?"

     "No, baby, you're a big boy today, remember?"

     "Can you come with me?"

     "No, angel. Now go potty."

     I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I can't pee standing up, so I tried to sit down, but I was too scared. What if I fell in? What if it ate me up? I sucked my thumb, trying to figure out what to do. I wasn't paying attention to the fact that I had alreddie had an accident, until I took a step backwards and stepped in my pee. I cried, feeling ashamed. I didn't even realize I had pottied on myself. Daddy walked in a picked me up, giving me a spanking and laying me in my crib, which he had set up for naptimes. I finished pottying on myself and then Daddy picked me up and changed me into more big boy underwear.

     "Do not dare wet this at school, do you understand me? You will be in so much trouble. Potty training is easy, you should have learned it by now. Go get in the car, no paci or stuffie. I'm taking away all your baby stuff for the rest of the week. Now go."

     I bawled. All week a big boy with no accidents? I couldn't do it. I ran to the car and sat in my baby carseat, waiting for Dada to buckle me in. When he got to the car, he just yelled.

     "I said no baby shit! Get out of that carseat and into the passenger seat. And no tears. You'll get two weeks if you keep crying."

     I tried to suck in my tears, but they kept falling.

     "Alright, two weeks it is. And no calling me Daddy. In fact, don't address me unless I address you."

     I was so upset. I hated being in trouble. I had silent tears until they arrived at school.

     I went to first block without my Dada, and I was terrified. I felt dribbles in my underwear and squeezed my legs tightly together, trying to be good. I wasn't, though. I was walking down the hall when I couldn't hold it in anymore. I wetted myself, pee pooling at my feet. Everyone stopped and laughed. Some guy even pushed me, saying I was a worthless baby and that my mommy should change my diapies better sometime.

     I began to cry, and I felt Da- I mean Richie come up from behind me and give me a harsh spanking. Then he picked me up and threw me into the car, driving quickly home.

     "Really, Eddie? Are you kidding me? You're so much of a baby that you can't walk down the hallway without having an accident? You're sixteen, not ten! Grow the fuck up! No being a baby for two months. Any more accidents, and I'll double it. Understood?"

     I nodded, tears streaming down my face.


     It was bedtime, and I was snuggled up to Richie, who said we could cuddle if I would be have for the rest of the day. I had an accident in secret, but I was able to clean myself up before he noticed. Now I was awake, and I had to potty. Bad. I curled into Chee, hoping to distract myself, but the movement only made it worse. Still, I continued to squirm and I began to cry. Richie woke up, taking me and putting me on his lap.

     "What's wrong, Eds?"

     "I have to go potty so bad!" I wailed, squeezing my legs together.

     "Then go potty! I'll still be here when you get back. Go on."

     "I can't. I'm scared."

     "Of what, Eddie?"

     "I don't wanna say. You'll think it's stupid."

     "No I won't. Now tell me, or I'll spank you. And add on a month."

     "The potty is big and scary, and if I stand up, I'm gonna have an accident."

Third pov

     Richie's face softened. He thought Eddie only had accidents by choice, he didn't realise that he actually wasn't potty trained anymore.

     "Well, we can't have that, can we? Stay here, angel, hold it for just a minute longer."

Eddie pov:

     I squirmed a bit and squeezed my eyes shut, about to have another accident. But before I could let go, I felt a warm piece of cloth placed around me. A diaper. I released, wetting through the material and through the bedsheets, the liquid dribbling to the floor and making a puddle. I was picked up by Dada and placed into the puddle, which I began to play in a little and wet myself more, watching as the puddle got bigger. I bounced around in my diapie, loving the feeling of the cloth. I was soaked.

     "I'm sorry for forcing you to be big, baby boy. I didn't realize that you couldn't help it. I want you to have accidents as much as possible now, okay?"

     I smiled and nodded, cuddling into him as he picked me up and fed me my bottle. Life was good again.



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