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               POV SASCIA

'Where are you going' he spoke in such a rush. I turned to face him. A frown had already surfaced my faced. A sad smile crawled to my face and faded within seconds. 

'Bye Ja...son' the words escaped. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to experience this moment. i turned around and walked out the door. I wasn't going to look back. Today was my last day here. We were leaving, never coming back, looking back. I entered the car and drove off. We were speeding the highway trying to reach the airport. We were late with only twenty minutes to spare. I stared there with a blank expression. My eyes watered. I close my eyes allowing the tears trapped to be free.

There it came; a crash! The screeching of the vehicle as it flips around.

My eyes opened wide as the tears continuously stream down my face. I sat upright thinking to myself; I’ve never had one like this before. My dreams... they always seem to express and trigger some emotions... feeling from the nightmares... our dreamingly love in some way and now this... a nightmare! For sure there was nothing beautiful about this one. The fact that I had left, the pain I felt just for leaving followed by that incident. I sighed.

If I was to compromise, his handsome face would be the only beauty found in this nightmare but even his face held pain. Those eyes that normally sparkle seemed so dull his lips in a frown. That was more heartbreaking that beautiful.

'Is this how it ends.' I questioned myself. I got up and walked to the kitchen to have a glass of water. After finishing I shake some water in the glass placed it on the rack. I walked back to the room. I lay on the bed forcing myself to sleep. It took hours but finally I slowly drifted away from reality as my body relaxed as much as it could.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ♥♥♥   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

'Sascia hey wait up' he yelled in the hall

'Yeah' was the only thing i could utter. I stared at him as if he were fragile or would vanish in the blink of an eye. He stared at me for a second: A second to long in my opinion.

I sighed.

'Jason' I called out. I must say this nightmare was messing with my head.

'Uhh sorry just wanted to walk you class' was his reply. I turned around walking, he followed. To be honest this whole situation is getting a little too abnormal for my liking.

Why does it always have to revolve around him, those dreams haunting me... why me...why him? What’s so special about me, or should I say about us? 

I thanked him before entering the class.

All throughout class my mind kept drifting into my created reality. I could hear the voices in the background but to me, at that moment it came as noise. A variety of noise. I could not gain any knowledge from class.

'Sascia...' my best friend called me. Her voice made it easy to know how unease she felt. She pulled me to a corner.

‘What is going on...first was the call and now this. You’re avoiding me.  Or is it us?' she eyed me suspiciously. 'Don’t think I haven't noticed sascia' her voice was more defiant now. 

'The past two days haven't been the best of days' I spoke. 'It’s not easy for me to wrap my mind of what's going on'

'What is going on Sas?' 

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