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                               POV SASCIA:

I sighed squeezing my eyes tightly. Taking in those poisonous breathes that seem to be a part of me now. I slowly opened my eyes viewing the scenery.  Here I am in some stranger’s room yet again. The room is grey in colour with posters of various athletes and comics plastered everywhere. It was beyond messy with clothes scattered everywhere; on the floor, chair arm, desk, bed and even the fan hanging on the room top. 

I sat up carelessly trying to compose myself so that I looked half passable. I grabbed what I assume to be a pair of shoes place it on me foot a rushed out. I needed to get home to refresh myself. The minutes pass by slowly but yeah after what seemed like hours I finally approached home. I turned off the jeep, walked out and locked the door. I walked inside.

'Morning to all' I sang aloud closing the front door. I walked up to my room. The door shuts closed and I began stripping walking to the bathroom. I opened the shower and enjoy the cool water rushing onto my body. After the long shower I entered my room once more, entered my closet and got something to wear. 

The rest of the day I slept like a baby. It was around six in the afternoon when my mom began yelling me to come for dinner. I honestly don't know why since we normally ate at random times during the day. I lazily got up and walked down stairs.

My mom turned towards me a smile appearing before she chased me out to get properly dressed. I was to say the least furious. First! She disturbed my slumber, and then calls me for dinner to only chase me just so I can come again. I rolled my eyes quickly choosing something from my closet. I grabbed a light pink tank top with black skinny jeans. After placing my hair in a messy bun I rushed downstairs...AGAIN!!...

'So what is the occasion mom' I questioned causing her to lock gaze with me for a few seconds before she dived into her plate. I simply rolled my eyes and dashed into the meal. After dinner was done i washed the dishes and head back to my room. 

Dinner was alright, I mean I got to talk with my mom a bit which I haven’t been able to do much lately. 

~~~~~~~~  ♥♥♥♥  ~~~~~~~~

It was morning now and yes last night was the same as before. It’s ridiculous you know: To keep dreaming of some unknown individual and being tormented for no reason.

I slammed the pillow unto the bed groaning as I walked into the bathroom to freshen up. Before this little crisis I was content with my life but now I’m a complete muddle.

I mean I’ve pretty much lost all my so called friends. Yeah. You guessed right; loner in your presence, but I like it this way. I’ve got no time for fakes.  The only friend I’ve got is long gone at the moment. She’ll be back soon but now I’m here with the wind facing my teenage life.

Those people that was considered to be friends, well let’s just say the minutes my life began crumbling they didn’t hesitant to walk away.

Those dreams were just the beginning of my 'perfect life' (note the sarcasm). I began thinking too much, wandering and daydreaming about him... those sweet lips. I’d lost my focus. Chasing for a solution to ease my mind resulted to me trying to get myself preoccupied. I figured finding some job would at least lessen on the activities taking place in that mind of mine. It’s not like my used to called friends we're good company, but that was my mistaken decision.

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