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"WE HAVE NOW LANDED FLIGHT 109 IN NEW YORK. AT THIS TIME YOU MAY POWER ANY electronic devices that you may have back on." The flight attendants voice rambled on over the intercom, as Madison opened her eyes, releasing a short breath.

Madison sat up, ignoring what the flight attendant was saying, as she began to turn on her iPhone (a graduation present from her mother/grandma), and then proceeded to unbuckle her seat belt.

She quickly grabbed her carry-on from underneath the seat, as she waited patiently for the people in front of her to grab their suitcases from the overhead bin.

Once the aisle was cleared enough for her to make her way into the line of people, she took her chance and squeezed herself in between a girl about her age, and an older looking woman.

She quickly grabbed the rest of her belongings, and finally managed to make it off the plane.

Grabbing her now-turned-on iPhone, she dialed her mother's number.

After a short two rings, her mom answered the phone.

"Hello? Madison? Did you just land? Was the flight okay?" Madison's mother bombarded her daughter with questions, never bothering to pause for an answer.

"Mom, yes, I'm fine. I landed about twenty minutes ago, and I am about to hail a taxi." Madison stopped her mother from rambling on the many questions that were being thrown at her.

"Okay, that's good. I'm glad you're okay. We'll talk more later, it's two in the morning here in Pittsburg, and three in the morning in New York." Madison's mother sighed, relieved.

"Alright, goodnight mom. I'll call you if I need anything." Madison said, not waiting for a reply as she hung up the phone.

Strolling her suitcases behind her, Madison hailed a taxi, stepping inside the yellow car, and giving the driver directions to her new apartment.

She buckled her seatbelt, popping earphones into her ears, as she stared out the window.

After a few songs had played from her phone, the taxi halted to a stop in front of an average-looking apartment complex.

"That would be fifteen dollars." The taxi driver informed Madison, as she fished out some money, leaving a reasonable tip.

She grabbed her belongings making her way up to the apartment, smiling.

This was the beginning of her adult life, and even though it was three in the morning, she couldn't help but feel giddy and energetic.

She made her way into the building, admiring the eye pleasing shrubbery that was dotted around the apartment.

She quickly found her complex, grabbing the key she was mailed to unlock the door. (She had informed owner of the building that her plane would arrive late, so they mailed her the key, considering the lobby wouldn't be open when she arrived.)

She inserted her key into the doorknob, unlocking it, as she swung open the door.

The smile never left her face, as she lugged her suitcase into her apartment room, noticing all of the boxes apartment staff had placed in the room.

(She had ordered furniture online, and shipped it to the apartment, requesting the staff to place the shipments in the house.)

Madison let out a sigh of relief/happiness, ready for whatever the city-life would bring her.


Madison sat in a secluded corner of a coffee shop, sipping her drink occasionally, with her laptop on the table.

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