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Her honey-brown hair was curled to perfection, and then piled up onto her head, secured with an eye-pleasing shiny clip.

She wore a royal blue dress that hugged her torso, then began to poof up a bit at the waste. The rest of the dress, hanging loosely, ended a bit above her knee.

Madison smiled, quickly approaching the door, that had just previously been knocked on.

She swung it open, revealing an awaiting Zach.

A small smirk made its way onto Zach's face, as he stared Madison up and down.

"Quit checking me out, you pervert!" Madison grumbled, rolling her eyes, as her smile faded away.

"You're dressed to impress, I see. Is that me you're trying to impress?" Zach asked, half-joking, the smirk never leaving his face.

"Oh, you wish, don't you?" Madison played along, grabbing her iPhone, as she stepped outside besides Zach. "What about you? All dressed up in your tuxedo, with your hair styled?"

Zach shrugged. "Maybe it's just casual wear for me." He smirked, allowing me to shut my apartment door, and lock it with a key.

Madison rolled her eyes, pushing Zach forward as she said, "Let's go."

Zach led the way to his car, Madison following.

Once they were finally in the safety of Zach's car, Madison decided it was best to strike a conversation, rather than sit in awkward silence.

"So, what is this party being held for?" Madison asked, messing with the radio.

Zach let out an exasperated sigh.

"You don't listen very well, do you?" He questioned, jokingly.

Madison opened her mouth, about to shoot a fiery comeback, but Zach continued before she could make a sound.

"The party is held by socialites and such. It's invite-only, and basically all of the big time producers for Broadway, modeling companies, etc. show up. Anyone who wants to be someone- and actually has a chance- is invited, and they just try to get noticed. It's pretty boring to me, but my friend wanted me to come."

"Oh, you mean you don't want to be a model?" Madison joked, rolling her eyes.

She still didn't quite understand why he invited her to this party, but she shrugged it off, and watched the city zip by, as they drove through it.


Madison's jaw slightly dropped, as she stared at the house ahead of her.

It was a large victorian mansion, that seemed it would be more reserved as a model house than one used for living.

Everything was so neat and precarious, making it look like no one actually lived there, but the lights and quiet music told otherwise.

This wasn't your typical party. The party being held was more classy, hence why the music was just a gentle hum that could barely be heard from outside.

"Madison, why are you just standing there?" Zach asked, snapping the girl out of her thoughts.

Her lips formed in an o, as she followed Zach into the house.

"Ah, Zach!" A man, a little older than Zach, greeted him.

"Hey Paul, it's good seeing you." Zach smiled.

"You too. You know I really should show you what I've been working on." Paul said, his voice getting fainter and fainter, as he whisked Zach away, leaving Madison alone.

Madison sighed in annoyance, making her way towards a snack table to busy herself.

She mindlessly began to grab a few pretzels, shoving them into her mouth.

It didn't take very long for Madison to become restless and weary of just standing there.

It wasn't that the party was monotonous, it was just that without anyone to talk to, it could become a bit dreary.

Madison grabbed a few more pretzels, as she left the snack table, in hopes of finding Zach.

As easy as the task may seem, you had to keep in mind that the house was very large, and being filled with hundreds of people didn't make anything easier.

She searched the house, with no luck. Zach wasn't anywhere to be found.

"This is great." Madison mumbled, rolling her eyes, stumbling a bit from her heels.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" Madison squealed, as she bumped into a stranger.

A good-looking stranger, at that.

He had chiseled feature, and he couldn't be anything but a year older than Madison.

His brown hair was tousled, and he wore a black tuxedo.

"No, it's fine." He smiled, offering a hand for Madison to shake.

"James Monroe," He said, as Madison began to shake his hand.

"Madison Ziegler," She smiled.

"Are you here by yourself?" James asked, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "I mean, you look sort of.. lost." He trailed off.

Madison chuckled, "Yeah well, someone invited me here, but I have no idea where he's gone to."

James' face twisted into a frown, his eyebrows scrunched together once again.

"Well, that can't be right." He trailed off. "Why don't you and I ditch the party, and go to dinner down the street?"

Madison considered both of the options, biting her lower lip.

"Okay, let's go." Madison smiled, feeling a slight pang of gilt for leaving Zach. "Just let me text Zach real quick."

After Madison sent a quick text to Zach, informing him of her whereabouts, Madison and James strolled out of the party.


"What do you like to you?" James smiled at Madison, as the two ate their dinner.

Madison shrugged, "I've always wanted to be a professional dancer."

James' eye's lit up, once Madison voiced her thoughts.

"I have connections in the dance world- my mom was a professional dancer, so I know a lot of directors and such. I can get you an audition for a Broadway show this weekend if you'd like."

"I-I don't know," Madison trailed off, biting her lower lip.

"Come on," He urged, "You're probably an amazing dancer."

"That's the thing, I'm really not."

"What's the harm in trying?" James asked.

Embarrassment, Madison thought.

Before she knew what she was saying, Madison blurted out, "Okay, I'll do it."

"Great!" He smiled. "I'll just need your number so I can text you the information about the audition."

Madison nodded her head, as she shakily put her number into his phone.

Madison should be ecstatic about this, I mean, how often does someone actually get a last-minute audition in New York for a Broadway show?

However, she couldn't be ecstatic, due to the last dance class she had taken was when she was ten.

Sure, maybe when she was ten she was a great dancer, but that was eight years ago.

This audition was going to be one she would remember for a long time.


Author's Note: I finally updated! What do you think of James? Five comments and five votes for more!

Word count: 1,311

Updated on July 20, 2014.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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