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(Jacks Viewpoint)

I walk down the hall alone. My corridor was empty, no doors on either side. I walk slowly to the end to find a door without a handle. "What the hell?" I think to myself feeling my body tingle when i get nearer to it. I touch the door and feel the steel it's made of. But as soon as I touch it my hand starts to tingle as if I had just lost blood flow there. "Huh, lemme see something" I think. I back up and set an electric spark in my hand, holding it there. Nothing. I walk closer and the lightning starts to bend away from the door. The closer I get the further it bends. "Magnetic" I think "Must be sealed".

I snuff the sparks and walk straight up to the door. "Well, I guess brute force will have to do" I say aloud. I stand firm and cock back both of my arms. I shove forwards and rip the door out from the wall. Immediately as I stumble through I am met with gunfire. About six shots ripped through me before I was able to bolster my body with steel. The bullets still damage however, so I jump back and get behind the wall.

I use my affinity with water to count how many bodies are in there. "Six, Seven, Eight, Nine" I think "Ok, not too bad". I channel water to pool on the ground in the room and focus heat into the floor. In a few moments the room fills with steam, blinding my foes. I laugh and say menacingly "I can still see you" as I make my way into the room. I turn my arm into a steel blade and begin to slice through their ranks. Within seconds they lie dead on the ground.

The room I entered was small, but there was another door at the end. I walk through it and find a very large warehouse, filled to the brim with tanks of water. "Wait, that's not water" I think to myself, not sensing water. It was liquid nitrogen, but I didn't know what for. I walk closer to the nearest tank and see a person inside. The label read "Artific. Sent. 2097". "What are they preparing for" I think to myself in horror.

I hear guards coming closer so I hid behind two tanks. "How many of these guys do we even have?" one guard asks. "At this location? Two hundred thousand" The other answers. "Arkyn better come out a god when he gets through all these" The first guard says. They stop moving and one says "Halt, put your hands where I can see them". A knife appears seemingly out of nowhere and implants itself into the guards head. The other guard raises his weapon, but it is encased in water and torn from his hands. I then see Viktoria rush the man and slice him in two.

"What the hell is all of this?" I hear Nate ask. "They're all Sentinels" I say walking out from behind the tanks. Nate jumped and threw his dagger at me, which I block with my palm. It does run straight through, stopping at the hilt however. "Oh you fucking bastard" I say wincing in pain. I yank out the dagger and toss it back to Nate. "You scared me man, you'll be fine" He says. My hand does start to stitch itself back together as we speak.

"What were you saying before?" Viktoria asks. "They are all frozen Sentinels, I don't know why though" I say looking around. "We might know" Nate says worriedly. "What?" I ask him. "Well, we found files talking about how Arkyn was gonna feed on a bunch of Sentinels to regain his power" he says. "You're kidding" I say to him starting to panic. "Nope, we downloaded the files too" Viktoria says. "Goddammit, this isn't good" I say angrily. We hear multiple shots ring out in the warehouse.

"Taylor and Charlyse!" We exclaim in tandem. We come to the other side of the stack of tanks to see a host of guards exchanging fire with our friends. "Let's go" Nate says rushing in. Us three flank the guards and start cutting them down, causing much confusion. Charlyse and Taylor both become able to shoot more as fire becomes directed to us. In a matter of minutes we have over fifty guards down and silence looms around us.

"What the hell is all this?" Taylor asks. "Well, it's Arkyn's food source" Nate says sarcastically. We fill in Taylor and Charlyse on the news and take a seat on the ground. "This isn't good" Taylor says staring blankly into space. "I don't know what to do about this, I mean do we go back to the Council?" I say. "We should, but how do we get back" Taylor says. Viktoria jolts up and starts to run at a tank. She unsheathes her katana and yells "Die giant spider!" as she slices through the glass, causing its contents to flow out. She jumps back before the liquid touches her and starts to run back to us.

An alarm starts up and we all sit there looking at each other. "Shit" we say unanimously. Soon after, five people walk into the room, staring at us. They seemed to lock their eyes on us, as if sizing us up. All of a sudden they spring to action and rush us, locking into battle with each of us. I narrowly dodge my opponents stone arm and jump back. "Die fool!" She hisses out as she rushes me with blinding speed. I turn my arm to steel and lock with her stone arm, feeling slightly overwhelmed by my foe.

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