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"They're fighting almost every day," Seokjin confesses, stuffing a piece of sashimi into his mouth and chewing on it with gusto

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"They're fighting almost every day," Seokjin confesses, stuffing a piece of sashimi into his mouth and chewing on it with gusto. "Makes me wish I was living in a dorm, too."

Miran and Taehyung are plopped on the couch in the counselor's office during lunch hour, and Seokjin has ordered Japanese styled bentos for all three of them. It is the weekend before the Halloween fundraiser and Taehyung has accompanied his sister here in the hopes of convincing their older brother to attend. Seokjin staunchly refuses, claiming that such horrific extravaganza is not his cup of tea, and before they know it, the tangent of the conversation has steered towards their parents.

Taehyung chugs down a bottle of iced tea. "You're more than welcome to share my dorm room. Namjoon only sleeps there on the rare occasion he's not off doing the dirty with Inha." Miran rolls her eyes at her twin while Seokjin looks plain scandalized.

"I did not need to know that," he says, closing his eyes and rubbing his arms fervently. "Anyway, as I was saying, I think Mom and Dad are going through a rough patch."

A breeze shuffles in through the windows, propelling the burgundy curtains to swish against the tiled floors. The humid weather is slowly making way for a colder period to emerge, signaling the transition of the season into winter. Seokjin's desk is organized as neatly as ever, his coat draped over his rotating chair which currently faces the cabinet placed adjacent to it. His laptop lies untouched on the table, and the screensaver is a picture of the three siblings taken during their latest trip to a Japanese shrine.

Miran purses her lips, leaning back against the soft leather of the couch. Her hair is now a shade of brown with streaks of gold colouring the strands. Clad in a comfortable attire of loose pants and an oversized t-shirt, she ponders over what Seokjin has said. "Is it about the murders?"

He shakes his head, careful not to stain his vivid blue formal shirt as his fingers balance the chopsticks while he adjusts his collar. His black hair is slicked to the side but a few stray fringes spill over his smooth forehead. "I think it's about the administration in general. Apparently, they tried to suspend the functions of the university for the duration of Detective Jung's investigation into the deaths, but their proposal was rejected. The Board has other agendas on its mind, like trying everything possible to avoid tarnishing Seoul National's reputation."

"But they're the directors. Doesn't everyone have to listen to what they say?" Taehyung asks in confusion, his trademark glasses slung backwards on his head. A brown jacket fits his chiseled frame, his hair concealed beneath a white cap which accentuates the colour of his skin. "Can't they just override any dissenting opinions?"

"It doesn't work that way. The members of the Board take a vote and then make a decision. This time, the votes worked against our parents," Seokjin explains and Taehyung's mouth forms a wide O in comprehension.

Miran frowns. "I don't even understand why they want to go ahead with this fundraiser. Namjoon tried to raise objections, too, but he was shut down immediately."

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