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WALKING DOWN THE HALLS OF THE SCHOOL was hard for Alex, it always had ever since Freshmen year. He would always receive stares from everyone by the locker, gossiped, or even laughed at, and he was just walking normally. He can't do anything, he was just Alex.

He is already a senior, he was happy that he already is one, because he was excited to leave this hell hole. As Alex was walking to his locker, he heard a few snickers from behind him, he closed his eyes to prepare himself from the great impact of a ball that was going to hit his head. And he was right, but he thought he could balance himself, but he didn't but instead he fell down the tiled floor forehead first as he fell down.

Alex let out a pained whimper and groan, people laughed and chuckle as he fell and the others took pictures. It seemed surreal to him, it seemed fake and unrealistic, but there he was, real and not moving at all. "How are you feeling long face? Did we wake you up?" Jules one of the jocks cooed and kicked his leg. He winced and grabbed a hold of himself and stood up, he felt the cold liquid drip on his forehead but he ignored it and walked faster. "How dare you walk away from me Lawther" the boy was about to grab his bag until Jules was stopped by Cynthia.

"Baby, enough. I think long face is already awake, we have another one to wake up" she cooed and Alex stood there, when he heard their footsteps fading away, he let out a small sigh and raised his hand and pressed the back his hand to the area where it hurt him the most. As he pulled his hand back down, there was blood, he shrugged and wiped it with his hand as he continued to walk to his locker.

And in another part of the school, a girl was pushed around outside near the small pond. "Oh look at you, very small and very hideous looking. Aren't you a bit ashamed?" Cynthia and her girls started to push around the new exchange student from Ireland. She had nothing to say and wanted to leave right away and go to her class, but of course she was stopped by the girl in front of her. "Aren't you going to answer me? Wanker face" Jacqueline raised a brow at the girl at the sudden nick name.

"Oh and she reacts" a girl said, Cynthia's little minions perhaps. The girl just wanted to get this over with, if she passes this year then she will receive the scholarship and if not she has to go back to Ireland which was totally fine, but this is what her mom wants. "I don't want any trouble here, all I wanted to know was, where Mr. Porter's class is" she stated.

The girls looked at each other and let out a laugh, a very long one that annoyed the crap out of Jacqueline. She stayed quiet until they stopped laughing, Cythia covered her mouth. "Oh gosh, you're so silly" she said and harshly pushed her hard making her stumble over the pond. Her upper half was drenched with water, her bag was in the water and her hair was now wet.

Everyone stared at her like she was some psycho, and no one bothered to help her at all. Cynthia chuckled and bent down, "We'll be seeing you around wanker" she said and giggled and walked away with the rest of the girls. Jacqueline groaned and stood up, making sure her pants doesn't get wet. She made her way back inside the school and walked to her locker, she didn't give a damn about how many people whispered when she passed by. She opened her locker and grabbed an extra shirt, that was supposed to be for her work after school but she needed it now. The floor was dripping since her bag was dropped into the water like her, immediately she went inside the girl's restroom and changed and fixed herself as well.

She stare at her reflection in the mirror, she can't believe this is what people do to her in England. How pathetic and immature, the longer she stared, the more she wanted to break down and cry. She slapped herself and shook her head, "Jackie, you're not here to be a coward, you're here to fulfil what mama wants you to do, okay?" She closed her eyes and breathed out and let a small smile plaster on her lips, and left the restroom.

Her first class was not that hard, she quite enjoyed the discussion and she was not ashamed to answer a few questions from the teacher. A few students rolled their eyes and snickered once she answered, she felt slightly insecure and told herself to not answer every question even tho she wanted to. And as for Alex, it was Biology for him, he used to have a lab partner but she ditched him because he was him. Because he was the loser that everyone knew since freshmen years, it was unbelievable yes, but when the teacher asked why was he alone, he answered, "Because I feel comfortable with myself sir".

They had to dissect a frog today, for Alex it was pretty normal and easy since he was alone and he did it in a flash making the teacher praise him in front of the whole class. Alex had to look down at his gloved hands when he heard Jules curse behind him, "What a fucking show off" a few said and Alex only sighed and took off the gloves and sat down.

He wondered. Why does everybody hate him? What did he do? Is it because his interests were different from them? He liked books, video games, music. Its not him that is the only one who shares the same interests, he was just so curious as he sat there until a short memory came into his head.

"Alex Lawther an actual weirdo and a bloody wanker!" Jules Woods yelled as he stood on top of the table in the cafeteria. He grabbed some jam and milk as he walked towards the poor boy, he looked at him with a small smirk. "How sad that you're parents had to give you to someone who you don't know" 14 year old Jules said and cooed.

Everyone laughed, "I bet he has sex with his step sisters!" One yelled and everyone laughed so loud. "But how? He doesn't even have a ding a ling!" Jules said and grabbed Alex's chin and tilted it up to face him. His eyes were glassy and tears were about to spill, "Are you about to cry?" He asked and let out a small smirk.

"How sad Lawther, how sad" Jules said before pouring the milk and jam on top of his head making everyone yell and cheer at Jules while he looked down and let the substance drip down his jumper and pants like how his tears were.

"Mr. Lawther.." he was back to reality when the teacher patted his shoulder. Alex glanced up and opened his mouth, "You're dismissed" he said and Alex apologised and took off his lab gown and grabbed his bag and left the room with a pounding heart.


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