" coke ! "

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( after the gang leaves the scary hunted house they meet up with their parents , and Ellery and jake , they all go to a fancy restaurant where Gesem has a reservation. it's a restaurant where you get to eat on a car table )
Lady: hello welcome to the Dining experience , do you have a reservation ?
Gesem : yes , for gesem Leon
Lady : okay you ordered 4 tables is that right ?
Gesem : yes
Lady: alright who will be the first 4?
Vasti : first 4 ?
Lady : yes , every table can only have 4 people per table
Vasti : well I'm hungry so me and lizbeth go first
Lizbeth: I agree
Lady : okay who else is going to that table
L&N : them two ( Libni and Nate push Deen and alex to the front )
Lady : alright you 4 come with me
A&D : you'll pay for this ( looking at Nate )
Nate : wow they only took it out on me how rude
Libni : it's a good thing you're  their brother
Nate : good for who ?
Libni : me ( laughs )
Nate : wow that hurt
Libni : stop being such a baby , and get ready for the drama coming up
Nate: what drama ?
Libni : that one ( pointing towards gesem , Aidan , and Sabrina )
( gesem was arguing with the lady , because Ellery and jake had gotten a booth by themselves , and their parents got the other one , and their was only one table left for 4 people and we were 5)
Gesem : okay I'm  paying for everyones food , I can't be left without a table , or having a table by myself
Lady : I'm sorry sir , but one person from your table must go to the other table of three
Gesem : okay , Aidan you are moving tables
Aidan : why me ?
Gesem : because I said so
Sabrina : no gesem thats not fair
Nate : that's true
Gesem : okay then , Nate you take his place
Nate: what ?
( Libni laughs )
Gesem : or you Libni , I don't care who does as long as it's not me
( Libni stops laughing)
Sabrina : fine then I'll go to the other table bye
Gesem : not you Sabrina
( she ignores him and goes to sit with Ellery and jake )
Lady: alright , the four left come with me to the next table
Nate : you were right , that was a lot of drama
Libni : you just wait we are sitting across from Vasti , Deen , lizbeth and alex , there's plenty of excitement coming our way
Nate : you're right
( meanwhile with Vasti and lizbeth )
Server : hello ,  my name is Annabelle and I will be your server if y'all know what y'all will like to drink I'll take your order now , who's going first ?
Vasti : I'll go first
Deen : no I'll go first
Lizbeth : ladies go first
Alex : I don't see any ladies
Annabelle : what will y'all like to drink ?
LVDA: coke !!!!!!!
Annabelle : so everyone wants coke ?
Vasti : actually I want a Dr. Peper
Lizbeth : I want water
Deen : I want Sprite
Alex : I want lemonade
Annabelle : so no one wants coke ?
LVDA: no
Annabelle : then why did all of you say coke ?
L&A : we don't know
Anabelle : alright I'll be back with y'alls drinks in a little bit
( they hear laughing coming from Libni and Nate's table )
V&D : shut up
Libni : we are trying
Vasti : this is all your fault
Deen : mine ?
Vasti : yes why did you say coke when you didn't  even want coke
Deen : you did the same thing
Vasti : it's not the same
Alex : yes it is
Lizbeth : oh you don't even talk right now because  you did the same thing too
Alex : and so did you
Lizbeth : but did I ask
Alex : but do I care if you asked
Lizbeth : but did I ask if you cared
Alex : well did I ask if you cared that I asked , if you cared that I cared that we asked and you asked and you care
Everyone : .........................  
Deen : what ?
Vasti : I'm confused
Lizbeth : okay..... you win
Alex : yes , no one beats me at comebacks ( he says excited )
Deen : yup that's right
Vast and lizbeth : whatever
( the server walks up and hands everyone their drinks , they all look at the drinks and they all had a sticker that said "coke" )
L&N : ( laugh so hard )
V&D : shut up !
Libni : we're sorry , but we can't help it
( Vasti , lizbeth , Deen and alex All stare at each other and start laughing )
( meanwhile with Ellery, jake , and Sabrina )
Ellery : aww you are so sweet
Jake : you know I'm all about the sweetness
Sabrina : since when , you have never been sweet , it's weird seeing you being all nice , you are most of the time getting all grumpy or mad about any random thing
Jake : Sabrina remember we agreed on you being here if you could shut up
Sabrina : oh yeah right
( gesem walks up to the table )
Gesem: poor you Sabrina , you don't know how bad I feel , that you are here and I'm in the other table , I would do anything to help you , to take your place .... 
Sabrina : really? aww ( she gets up and she gets close to gesem , he thinks that she is going to hug him , but she grabs him and sits him at the table with Ellery and Jake ) thank you gesem , you are the best , enjoy their company
Gesem : no Sabrina , Sabrina please , Sabrina !!!
( she walks away and goes to sit with Aidan )
Gesem : do y'all think that Sabrina has a crush on Aidan
E&J: yes
Gesem : you guys  are right ( they look surprised) she would never have a crush on him having me around , I'm like the best catch for all the ladies
E&J : whatever you say
( the rest of the evening is all really chill , Vasti and Deen never stopped arguing even though they exchanged meals , lizbeth and alex did the same thing , Libni , Nate , Aidan and Sabrina had fun , Gesem kept bugging Ellery and jake )
Anabelle : alright sir , here's the ticket
Gesem : thank you
( reads the ticket ) What's with all of these cokes?
VDLA: coke ?
V&D : coke !
L&A : ( take a second) oh yeah coke !

For the next chapter I'm going to need ship names : please comment if you have any ship names for the following couples
•Vasti & Deen
•Lizbeth & Alex
•Ellery & Jake
•Sabrina & Aidan
•gesem & Sabrina
(Ship names are like combining the names of the 2 people )
"example " : Vasteen ( Vasti and Deen )
Please comment examples of ship names for the next part

Vasti & lizbeth: Christmas in ParisWhere stories live. Discover now