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*recap *
Lizbeth : I .....
Vasti : I .....
Gesem : hold up before you answer Sabrina we need to talk
Lizbeth and Vasti : seriously Gesem!
Gesem : what ? Y'all can't always be the center of attention
Sabrina : okay? ....
( Gesem and Sabrina walk out )
Aidan : I'm guessing I lost ( makes a sad face )
Deen and alex : who cares ?
Alex : Lizbeth was about to answer
Deen : and Vasti was too
Lizbeth : I do !
( everyone claps )
Vasti : I ... can't believe you are so unprepared for all of this , and how did you ever think I would be just fine with you just saying it , without even trying
Everyone : 😮 

( Vasti walks out ) 

Deen : where did I go wrong ? 

nate : for starters you were you 

Deen : whats is that suppose to mean 

Lizbeth : lets just say you are not the greatest person in the world. Alex I have to go we'll talk later 

Alex: see Deen this is all your fault you should've listened to me when I told you that girls like a big romantic gesture 

Deen: I guess you were right 

Alex: when am  I not ? 

Deen : what am I suppose to do now ? 

Alex: I don't know, I can't help you now , because Vasti would know you didn't think of it on your own 

Deen : well you are useless ( he walks out of the room ) 

Alex: why does he always say so many mean things to me ( he walks out of the room too ) 

Jake and Ellery : wow

luis : you have seen nothing yet 

Jake: what do you mean ?

( Luis gets on one knee  with a bouquet of flowers ) 

Luis : Ellery my love for you won't die I love you  please give me a chance to be your boyfriend just like you've always wanted to since we were kids 

jake : no way , you had your chance when you were little now its my time so don't come to her with your beautiful and completely expensive flowers 

Nate : jake, I don't think you are helping yourself 

jake : yeah , you are right maybe I'm just not good enough for Ellery ( he walks out too ) 

Ellery : no Jake wait ! 

Luis : let him go Ellery , You have me 

Ellery : I'm sorry Luis , you had your chance I liked you when wen were kids but that was long ago  I have changed , and so have my feelings , now I can only look at you as a friend sorry , but my heart belongs to Jake ( she walks out ) 

Luis : she said no ? 

Nate : yeah pretty much 

Luis : how ? if I'm so charming , so rich , so amazing 

libni : so egocentric 

Luis : I don't understand where did I go wrong ( he walks out thinking ) 

Nate : that was intense , I wonder what's going to happened next

Libni : well if we stay here waiting while everyone is outside we will never find out 

( both of them walk out )

Gesem : guess what everyone, I broke up with Sabrina ! ( he looks around and sees no one inside) great I finally decide to breakup with Sabrina and no one is here to hear it ugh 

Vasti & lizbeth: Christmas in ParisWhere stories live. Discover now