don't go near the water chapter 7

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Melody and I looked at each other, then at Toby, then back at each other. Sisters? SISTERS? How could my mom not tell me I- wait, she probably didn't know. And I intend to keep it that way. If she asks who Melody is, I'll just say a friend. My mom doesn't even know what's going on in my life right now. She just thinks I'm still a normal student who isn't allowed to swim. "Melody..." "Elsa..." then we hugged. Not a hug like the new friend one in the library. Not a hug like the one that she gave me when I saved her. A hug that was a bonding hug. It was weird. I knew something was different about Melody from the moment I met her. She had this different kind of personality and air about her than most students do. I didn't think it would be something as big as this, though. She started crying and I started crying tears of joy. I found someone in my life that was someone who I could trust with all of this. Besides Toby. But wait, she didn't know about it yet. 

"Melody, do you have a theory besides your mom not being able to swim about why she wouldn't let you in water?" "No." I got the water out of my backpack and poured it on Toby's foot. He was wearing flip flops today. His feet instantly turned. Her eyes almost popped out of her head. "He's a... he's a..." "Yes, he's a merman. And we're mermaids." "Oh. My. G-" she got cut off by Cody entering my room. He immediately checked her out. "Well, well, who is this?" "Cody, this is Melody." he walked over to Melody picked up her hand off her lap, and kissed it. "It's very nice to meet you, Melody." I was confused. Cody never had manners. But maybe he just wasn't around enough high school people other than Sal and Julie. Then he turned to Toby. "Hey man, what's up?" he held out his hand. Toby tried to shake it and Cody tried to high five him. The result was awkward. Then I looked at Toby's foot, which wasn't dry enough yet to turn back. I grabbed a blanket and put it on his feet. "Hey. I'm Toby." he finally said. Cody studied his face and then got an evil grin. "So, Toby, what are you doing hanging out with this loser?" he pointed his thumb at me. "Oh, you know, I'm new in town. She was the first person I met. All the others were rude. So she's my only friend." I felt kind of honored by his answer. "Alrighty then." the evil grin was gone from Cody's face. He turned to me and said "Hey Elsa, when will mom be home?" "I don't know. She has over time today." "Ok. Well, bye then." and he left, but not without one more look at Melody. 

"I'm so sorry about him." I told them. "Oh no, it's ok. Luckily you thought quickly about the blanket though. Not sure what he'd say if he saw that." and the three of us laughed. "Wait, I have a question. If I'm a mermaid, and the same guy is the father of my brother, does that mean he's a merman?" "I don't know, to tell you the truth. I can check tonight when I go back." "Ok. Oh hey, what did Julie say?" "She said she probably can, but she wants to meet her first." Since I didn't explain this to Melody, she was confused. "What are you guys talking about?" "Oh. Right. My friend invited us to her lake house for the first week of summer break. She said you can come, she just has to meet you first. And if you need an excuse, tell your mom that you're staying at my house for the week." "I don't think that would be an issue. My mom is having her baby that week anyway, so she'll be focused on that and I'll need somewhere to go." "Perfect! Well, on Saturday we'll take you to the eye doctor and to get some swimsuits. Just one rule. You cannot go in the water during the day. The three of us will go at night." "Ok! Thank you so much! Wait, when should I meet your friend?" "We'll meet  you in the Library after school. And I can give you a ride home. Sound good?" "Yes!" then Toby chimed in "I won't be there tomorrow. I don't actually go to the school, I just show up to help Elsa out with things. Here's my phone, and put your number in. If you need anything related to this, call or text." she gave her phone to him so he could put his number in her phone as well. "Yes sir" and we all laughed again.

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