lives combined

11 0 3

                                  the silence is astonishing but harry breaks the silence.   

 Harry: what kind of beasts are you.

 max: We are the avion raise of humans called the flock. 

The flock stretched their wings.

 magnificent! said harry, Ron, Draco,and Hermione. 

Fang: So what are those stick things called?  

Draco: their called wands I love your wings by the way.

Fang:  thank you my name is fang what's your's? 

Draco: It's Draco , Draco Malfoy.

Harry: why don't you guy's come with us we have place you could stay. 

Five hours later.

Draco: Fang i haven't known you very long but i think i love you. 

Fang: I'm sorry most of my heart belongs to max but there is still that wants to be with you. 

Fang: i'm so confused.

Rerin: hi i'm Erin i just came to this town i will be your new neighbor i hope you don't mind weird stuff happening during the day. 

Harry: what kind of weird stuff. Erin: you know magic mythical beasts that kind of stuff. 

Rerin: by the way i have six roommates just like me. 

Rerin: here comes one of them now hey Doug. 

Douglas: hey Erin you need to help me back at the house a huge fight just broke out between your brothers Conner and Travis.

 Rerin: yeah OK  sorry ill be back in a flash not literally a flash but you get the gist OK bye. 

Douglas: better hurry there starting to pick sides. 

Rerin: coming got to go Doug will keep you company wile i go deal with this fight.

 Douglas: hi you want to see something cool.

 harry: sure. 

Douglas: watch(grunt /transform)ta-DA.

Max: whoa your just like me(she shows off her wings).

Douglas: are those actually apart of your body.   

Max: yeah aren't  yours.

Douglas: no i can just shape shift.

Max: oh that's still pretty cool.

Douglas: well i got to go see if the fight is done bye

a couple weeks later our heroes are having a barbeque.

Douglas: i heard a rumor that you like me.

Max: WHAT no(blushes)

Travis: yeah i heard that you like him to.

Conner: yeah me to.

Max: fine yes i like him.

Douglas: well Max i like you to i actually was going to ask you out.

Douglas: so will you go out with me max. 

Max: yes.

Douglas: but i wait what ... i thought you would say no.

Max: but i didn't now did i come take a walk with me.

Douglas: so why did you want me to take a walk with you.

Max: i just wanted to walk with you.

meanwhile back at the barbeque 

Draco: hey fang guess what i just heard.

Fang: what did you just hear Draco.

Draco: i just heard max just got a boyfriend so will you be my boyfriend. 

Fang: max got a boyfriend and it isn't me fine it was going to happen anyway just don't ask me for sex anytime soon.

Draco: ok but can i have a kiss.

Fang: fine.

Draco+Fang: ( smooch)

Fang: i might be up for some kinky shit later.

Draco: i could to let's go for a walk in to the house and get some kinky shit going.

as they walk into their room, Fang opened a compartment in his side table and pulls out fluffy handcuffs.he then takes draco's arm and leads him to the bed.

to be continued in chapter three....

 later at the demigod house a new thing is happening.

Max: death i think its to big it just wont fit in the hole.

Death: it should fit right in the wall plug.

Max: well its not fitting.

Death: well like i said it sould.

Death: would you like a massage to relax.

Max: yes i would.

Max: can it be a full body.

Death: sure.

Max: because i could use a full body massage fuck me if want.

Death: ok then i just wanted you to be my girlfriend not my wife

Max sits down on the bed .

Max: here were are just trying to plug up a T.V so we have a entertainment center .

Max: and you say that.

Death: so where do you want to go.

Max: well i've always wanted to go to paris i just never had the nerve to go by myself.

Death: then lets go because you have me now.

Max: ok but i just want to go for the day.

Death: that's fine i just want to stay with you.

Then off they go to paris for the day holding hands after death shape shifts to where he has wings. 

to be continued in chapter two...

maximum ride plus harry potter plus demigods death x maxWhere stories live. Discover now