6: A Party Disaster.

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Toni's POV: At school.

When i got to school this morning, i decided to head to the lounge as that seems to be where the main meeting point is in the morning for people like Veronica, Betty, Archie, Jug ect.  When i walk through the door, i noticed Cheryl pacing back and forth biting her red nails.
I head over to her. "Cheryl?" i say rubbing her on the back. "Are you okay?"
I must have scared her because she jumped when i laid my hand on her.
"Toni!" she says as she comes in for a hug.
I hug her back. "What's wrong?" i ask.
"Nothing, i'm fine. Just stuff." she replies.
Before i could ask anymore questions, Veronica enters the room.
"I am having a party at the Pembrooke. And you're all invited. So is the whole school." she announces before going to sit down next to Archie.
He puts his arm around her. "Nice Ronnie." he says. "What time?"
"No earlier than 8." she says.
I look at Cheryl and she looks at me. "Are we going?" i ask her.
She laughs. "Oh Toni, if you had to ask me that then you don't know me."
"I'll take that as a yes."
"Take it as a yes with a cherry on top."

Toni's POV: Outside the Pembrooke.

I checked my phone as time ticked past. Cheryl was meant to be meeting me outside before the party so we could go in together but she was late.
My phone buzzed. It was a text from Cheryl.

c: sorry i'm late, i'm almost here.
t: it's okay just tell your taxi driver to hurry.
c: hahah i can't do that.
t: i was kidding.

Just then, a car pulls up. My jaw practically drops to the floor when i see her climb out the black taxi that was parked right in front of me. She looked amazing. She was wearing a small black dress that showed off her legs. She paired it with a white fur coat over the top and not forgetting her red lipstick and matching red spider pin that she wears with every outfit.

"What are you staring at? Come on let's go we have no time to waste." she says and she gets closer to me.
"You look amazing Cheryl." i tell her.
She puts her arm around me as and put mine around her waist. "As do you Cha-Cha." she says.
She rings the door bell to the grand door of the Pembrooke and we wait. The door starts to open and we loosen ourselves from eachothers grip, just incase we get spotted. A man in a suit, who i'm guessing is the Lodges butler, opens the door and tells us to come in. Immediately, the blasting music from the house escapes through the door and takes over the entire street.

We walk in and the house is already pretty full of people dancing with red cups of beer in their hand. Veronica notices us and rushes over.
"Hey girlies." she says whilst taking both of our hands and guiding us to her bar. "Shots for you both?"
Cheryl and I nod and Veronica places two shot glasses on the counter. She fills them with vodka and we down them.
Cheryl takes me by the hand and pulls me to the dance floor. "Let's get this party started" she says.
We both dance together and Cheryl is leaving regularly to get herself more drinks, i don't drink as much as i used to. Back in the day, i'd drink excessively to block out my problems but it was never a good thing for me so i stopped.
"Tonnii." Cheryl slurred. She tries to pull me in for a kiss but i resist. I knew if i kissed her and people saw, she would be pretty embarrassed when she was sober. Plus, i didn't want to take advantage of her.
"No Cheryl, not now." i tell her as i start to dance, hopefully keeping her distracted from the thought of kissing me.
She nods. "Okay" she says grabbing and hand and twirling.
"Stay here." i tell her, before making my way to the bathroom.
"Be quick!" she calls.
I walk into the bathroom to find Betty touching up her lipgloss. "Hey B."
"Hi Toni." she smiles at me before putting her lipgloss into her clutch bag and walking out the door.
I use the bathroom and wash my hands. I touch up my hair and decide i'm ready to go. I pick up my cup of beer and walk out back onto the dance floor... Which is where i find Cheryl with her arms around Reggie as they make out. The sight makes drop my drink.
"Cheryl!" i scream. "What the hell!"
Cheryl and Reggie look at me, stunned. They both have Cheryl's lipstick smeared all over their faces.
"Oh my god. Toni let me-" Cheryl try's to explain herself but i didn't want to hear it.
I turn around and head straight to the front door. I let myself out and run down the street with tears streaming down my cheeks.

Cheryl's POV: At the party.

I free myself from Reggie's grip and try to follow after Toni. She escapes from my eye sight but the only place she could be heading for is the door. I shove myself through the crowd.
"Move!" i shout. "Move out my way!"
An arm pokes out of the crowd and stops me in my tracks. It was Veronica.
"Where are you going Cheryl?" she asks.
"I'm sorry Veronica, i need to go i've done something bad." i explain as i sway side to side.
"I can't let you go out onto the streets like this, it's too dangerous." she puts her hands on the sides of my arms to hold me up straight.
"Thank you for looking out for me, but i need to go." I move forwards, forcing her to take her hands off me. I stumble to the door and swing it open. I stand on the door step and look to the left and right, and to the right i see Toni running down the street.
"Toni! Please wait!" i shout. She doesn't stop so i take my heels off and try to run after her. I didn't get very far before and i had to turn to the side of the pavement and throw up. I stood there and cried. What have i done?

Toni's POV: on the street.

Toni!" i hear Cheryl's voice slurring in the distance. "Please wait!."
She was a drunk mess and i decided that i didn't want to talk to her for the rest of the night.

I kept running until i got back to my trailer. I slam the door behind me and sit on my couch. I put my head in my hands and sob loudly, i live alone so i'm not worried about keeping the noise down.

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