Chapter 1. At The Beginning

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"Miss Melissa pack your bags were almost at the harbor."

Melissa was just waking up when the call came. She had been anxious for days and now... finally she was here. Her anticipation grew and she hurried to the deck to see the new world she would begin her life in. Japan looked calm as the sun rays were setting and the harbor looked busy with people going on about their lives. She assumed most of them were closing their shops. Melissa had traveled far and she had to contain herself so she wouldn't jump and swim to the shore. 

The deck was bustling with people getting things ready and no one noticed her looking forward with a wistful stare. The men she traveled with were rugged and she had to be wary around them for the whole journey. Not like there had been any incidents, but to be on the safe side she had kept to herself, apart from her temporary man servant Joel, who was supposed to show her the way to ambassador Riker's household so she could begin her studies with Japanese artistry. 

That the only reason why she was in Japan. Melissa's parents had given her an ultimatum, either marry some man that disgusted her to the very core or get a profession. The decision wasn't difficult. She would never marry someone she never met for the single purpose of baring children. 

Since childhood Melissa had a keen interest on her fathers imports. Beautiful Japanese pottery and artwork. She had studied Asian craftsmanship and because it was a lucrative business in Europe at the moment  she decided that she'd support herself as an artist. All she needed now was to study the correct techniques and she would be set for life. Her family of course did their best to stop her from going and basically disowned her after failing. So this was all she had going for her. Melissa's older brother back home used some connections and got her a place to stay and study in. As he was the only one who believed that she could make something of herself. He even got Joe to look after her until she reached her destination.

"Miss! don't just stand around go get your things we need to hurry or we are going to lose the day light and get lost." Joel yelled from his cabin. "Yes of course. I've already packed." Melissa hadn't even noticed that people were leaving the ship and carried the heavy cargo to the shore. 

The evening wind calmed her down as she thought how nerve wrecking it would be to meet Mister Riker. Melissa was told that he was a man with strong ideals and had questionable opinions about the fairer sex. While Joel helped Melissa carrying her luggage she pranced down to the almost empty harbor. "Thank you Joel, but I feel bad if you are going to carry all of that alone. I can at least take my own bags as you have your own to carry." With relief Joel handed Melissa her bags and they began walking further in the strange land. Joel was a quiet man. He wasn't particularly keen on Japan, and he kept wondering what a woman like Melissa was about do here alone. He had heard that she was no longer considered a part of high society, but a normal lady shouldn't want anything to do with this land that was filled with violent samurai or to be exact ronin. 

Joel did learn about Melissa's ambitions, he was sure she couldn't take it for long. Her brother had made him promise to look after her and he felt uneasy knowing now, how tomboyish Melissa was. The idea of all the problems she would cause in the future and already had caused on the journey made him grinch. Melissa hadn't noticed herself, but her appearance was captivating and Joel had his hands busy keeping some of the sailor's away from her.

The town was settling to the night and Melissa kept glancing around. Everything seemed so different, the buildings, people and even the air had a different feel to it. She had learned Japanese so she wasn't all at loss with her surroundings. In fact the country seemed more and more beautiful as she got deeper in.

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