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You worked up with a headache probably from last night.

You got dress ate your breakfast,  and took some medicine for the headache and went to the recruits room.

Time skip

They said yes. I mean if they didn't they would of died.

You where giving a tour to the  newbies when slendey called for so you took the newbies to the living room and went to his office.

Time skip

Y/n I will need you to take Toby and Sally out to buy some stuff here is the list and you can keep the left over change said slendey.

You took the list and went to get the other two.

Time skip cause I am a horrible author

You made to the store to get the items slender want. And those are:

First aid kit
Sealable jars
And a new new dress for sally.

After reading the list you and sally went to buy the bottom three thing on the list while Toby went and got the food.

Time skip

You are now home playing video games with BEN because you can.

You won causing BEN to get mad and for you to laugh your head off.

In the middle of laughing you saw Jeff walk in the living bloody so you tackled him since its been a while. After getting off of him you went to bed.

I am in love with a dead gamer ( BEN drowned x reader) Where stories live. Discover now