4-One Tense Homecoming

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Marcie sighed as she hung up the phone for the fifth time since her and Ashton’s fight three days ago. She wouldn't do it, not again. She wouldn't go running back to him like she had no self-respect. He was the one who had gotten all bent out of shape when she wouldn’t sleep with him, and he was the one who needed to make things right. She wouldn’t cave first. Not this time.

After putting her phone back into her back pocket, Marcie decided she needed a walk. Some fresh air would do her some good, and would hopefully help take her mind off Ashton.

She stepped out into the humid July air; her feet automatically turned toward Hartford Park. This was definitely a day that should be spent by the lake. It didn't take long for Marcie to walk the four blocks from her house to the park. When she reached the final corner before her destination, something across the street caught her eye. A motorcycle was parked in the driveway of the Aldean house.

Marcie's stomach swooped. The motorcycle was supposed to be in the garage. Perhaps Becca or one of her parents were just washing it; he wasn't supposed to be back for another six months, after all. But that didn't make any sense. That bike hadn't left the garage for the better part of the last year.

The Aldean's front door opened. Marcie took a step forward; the last thing she wanted right now was to be spotted by Becca. Only, it wasn’t Becca she spotted. A boy emerged, making her halt once more. She shut her eyes tight. He wasn't back. He couldn't be. She was having problems with Ashton, and now her eyes were playing tricks on her. She opened her eyes again. He was still there. There was no denying it; he was back.

As she continued to stare at him, his stepsister appeared in the doorway next to him. "Come on, Orion," Marcie heard Becca say as she breezed by him. "Cap and the others are dying to see you."

Orion turned around, following Becca toward the driveway. "Yeah, let me just park my bike."

Marcie knew she should take the opportunity to disappear into the park before Orion reemerged and spotted her, but she seemed to have forgotten how to move her feet. A zillion questions raced through her mind. How long had he been back? Why hadn't anyone bothered to tell her?


Orion's voice interrupted her thoughts. Her heart hammered in her chest as he jogged over to her. He pulled her into a tight hug, sending currents of electricity through her body. A huge grin to spread across her face.

"You're back early," she said into his chest.

"Yeah. There's only so much juvie and rehab a guy can take."

Marcie took a step back. Her blue eyes met his hazel ones. "So you're clean now?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I'm not going back there ever again.”

Marcie found herself at a loss for words. She looked him up and down, taking in his appearance. He looked the same as he had when he’d been sent away ten months ago, yet somehow so different. His dark hair was meticulously styled, he wore an open jean shirt over a white one, and his cuffed black jeans looked straight out of a 50’s ad.

“I'm so sorry for everything I put you though before I left," Orion continued.

She finally found her voice. "I forgave you a long time ago." She wrapped her arms around Orion once more, letting a contented sigh escape her. It was so good to see him again.

"Seriously, bitch? He's been home for ten seconds, and you show up? What, do you have a tracker on him or something?"

Marcie and Orion sprang apart. Becca stormed over to them. Marcie could almost see the anger radiating off of her. She continued her tirade as she approached.

"You have some nerve showing your face around here after what you did! Orion was arrested and shipped off because of you. Are you even the teensiest bit sorry?"

Marcie trained her eyes on the ground. "I didn't-" she started, but Orion interrupted her.

"Put some ice on it, Becks. I got sent away because of me. No one else. So quit picking fights with Marcie and go wait in the car for me."

Becca fixed her cold gaze on Marcie. "You're on my radar, Blondie. Thirty seconds, Knightly." She turned on her heel and stormed off.

Marcie shivered as she blinked back tears. It was a mistake to have let Orion see her. She should've just continued on to the park. She didn't have the energy or the skills to go up against Becca Aldean, especially now that she was fighting with Ashton.

"Hey," Orion said softly, placing a finger under Marcie's chin and lifting her head so that their gazes met again. "Forget about Becca. She lives to cause drama. You know that."

"That doesn't mean she's wrong. It's better if we keep our distance, anyway. Becca obviously still hates me, and Ash wouldn't like it if we started hanging out. I know you guys don’t like each other very much."

"What does Richie Rich have to do with anything?"

Marcie bit the side of her lip. Becca must not have told him that she was dating Ashton. She would’ve told him herself, but it’s not like they kept in touch while he was away. She didn't need to say the words, however; her guilty expression gave him all the information he needed. Orion's face contorted from understanding to rage in a matter of milliseconds. He opened his mouth to speak, but a loud, unwavering honk drowned out his voice. "Whatever. We weren't together when I left. Date whatever douchebag you want; why should I care?" he said before storming off across the street to join his stepsister.

Marcie ran a hand down her face as she watched Becca and Orion drive away. Great. Now she add Orion's name to the list of people that were mad at her. This was supposed to be a carefree day, not the disaster it had quickly become instead.

She turned and walked back down the street. A day at the park had lost all of its appeal; all Marcie wanted to do now was go home and hole up in her room. She was closing at the local baby supply store, anyway, and it was probably a good idea to get some rest beforehand.

But even that didn't look like it was going to happen. As Marcie approached her front door, she noticed Ashton's car parked in her driveway. Her heart leapt, but she kept he face impassive. She couldn't let him see how much she needed him in her life. Not before he explained himself, anyway.

"Can we talk?" he asked as she approached him.

She gave a noncommittal shrug. "I guess." Walking over to the passenger side of the car, she slid into the seat next to Ashton. She kept her eyes straight ahead, waiting for him to speak first.

"Marce, I'm sorry about last week. I'm dealing with some pretty crazy shit, and I took it out on you. That wasn't fair."

In all the time they'd been together, he had never apologized for anything; she was usually the one that had to mend things. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. The remorse was visible in every inch of his face. Her anger melted, and she smiled.

"I forgive you, this time," she told him.

A grin spread across his face. "How about we go have that meal we never got around to?" he suggested.

Marcie nodded. "Yeah, and you can tell me all about the 'crazy shit' that you're dealing with."

She thought she saw a flash of something -fear maybe?- in his eyes briefly, but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared. "Let's have a good time, not spoil it by talking about my problems."

Marcie didn't think it would spoil their time together, but she knew better than to question him. He'd get upset, and they'd be right back where they had started. "Okay," she agreed. "Let's just go eat."


I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. What do you guys think went down between Orion and Marcie? Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to vote and share if you like this story.

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