The Alleycats' Easter

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                                  Evie watched with a smile on her face as Rocky trekked through the junkyard, donning a pair of bunny ears and hiding brilliantly painted eggs.

                                  "Rocky, don't put them where the kids can get cut on the rust." She said.

                                   "Don't worry, none of them are even near the rusty stuff." He replied.

                                   The pair had been preparing the junkyard for the annual Easter egg hunt, in anticipation of the crowd of kids that would soon storm the place.

                                    Evie loved Easter, it was her favorite Holiday and some years it even fell on her birthday. This year, however, it didn't, so they had focused all their attention on the festivities. Something else was in the back of Evie's mind this year, and she patiently awaited the chance to tell her husband.

                                    "Rocky, there's something I gotta tell you." She said.

                                    "Oh, hold on, babe." He said, looking out towards the road. Several cars had pulled up in a line, and parents poured out, all carrying or assisting their children to the yard.

                                    "They're here." He said, coming up and grabbing her hand, and leading her to the front of the yard to greet their guests.

                                    "Alright, everybody. Welcome to The Keller Yard Annual Easter Egg Hunt!" Shouted Rocky, to the crowd of excited kids and parents.

                                    "First, some ground rules. No shoving, or pushing, and there will be no fighting over eggs. Let's have a good, clean hunt like we do every year." He said.

                                    "And the two biggest rules, are you get to keep whatever is in the eggs that you find, and make sure you have fun!" Exclaimed Evie.

                                    "Annnndddd, go!" Shouted Rocky, stepping out of the way. Like that, all the kids took off, in a desperate search for the painted plastic eggs.

                                    "There's something I gotta tell you." Said Evie yet again.

                                    "Hold on, let's get back to the front then you can tell me." Said Rocky, nodding towards the front of the junkyard. He put his arm around her shoulder and they walked together.

                                    When they reached the front, they stood together, keeping watch over the event. Rocky pulled off his rabbit ear headband. "Thing's been pinching my hair all day. So what is it you wanted to say to me?"

                                    Rocky looked Evie over. Her eyes were serene, sparkling almost. In her softest voice, she said, "I'm pregnant, Rocky."

                                     And a wide smile spread over Rocky's face, as he pulled his beloved wife in for a tight hug.

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