The Truth Caved In and It soon came out

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I put on my dress and flatten it out. No this doesn't look right. I try to twirl around but somehow my dress gets caught in flames. "What the?" i question and look as my dress turns to ashes. Now what I'm left with is a short peach dress that are wide from the shoulders so it slips down a little bit and then my flats.

I leave my hair in it's natural loose curls and wait for the door to open.

Then steps out Dustin. He looks at me with anger, sadness, and coldness. "kill me already." i say.

"How could you?! I thought you were different!" He yells.

"It was either me, her, or you!" I yell back.

Tears begin to stream down my face and then instead of gold it's blood. The witches need to give me a sympathy chart.

"Davina! No!" He screams as the light shuts off from me. I can't see but I can feel and hear. I feel cold hands pick me up and then more tears coming by. It isn't blood its magic. Purple magic it falls down to the ground forming diamonds on the floor.

"Davina you are a witch. Yet we are mates something that we can't control. Yet how am I going to say this to my girlfriend?" he says.

Well that just shattered me.

My eyes open. "Davina your eyes." he says. I go to mirror in my room and see them they are purple. They change every time I have feeling. It gets that diamond color if I feel sad. Mood eyes. That's what I have.

I look throughout my spell books looking for something in mood eyes.

Hmm where is it!? Wait in my backpack! I go through the book and look for mood eyes! Found it!

mood eyes:

Cause: when one witch meets her mate and the mate is a hunter.

Reverse: the only way to reverse this is to kill your mate or someone kills it.

Rare or not?: yes it's rare but it only happens to the chosen witches that have been raised from the dead to make the world a better place.

How to keep normal eyes around humans and others: kiss your mate every so often or have sex for longer effects.

Wait what about tears of gold?

I lol through the pages of the book T and then find out that page is ripped.

I look for tears of purple magic. Then I see it.

Tears of purple magic:

Cause: When ones beauty is highlighted by the ancestors

Reverse: none

Why: purple tears of magic will only appear on those who are chosen to represent the strong female witch. Once she is represented, a male that is represented as well will have to kiss the female and the purple tears will combine. Once it combines a new types of beauty will be born. That explains models in the real world.


I honestly didn't think that Davina would be the book worm. Yet there she is reading her heart away while she curls her lip an concentrates.


"Dustin come." I say.

I'm no whore. I'm not a whore.

There is no whore. What whore?

He gets close and sits beside me. That's when I climb on to his lap and kiss him. Me knocking him down on the bed. Him and his lips just collided together and occasionally nibbled on it.

"Davina hurry up your going to be late!" Screams Marcel downstairs and me and Dustin break apart.

*school* #sucks

"Hi Davina!" Says Trevor. As he hugs me."Hey." I say. "Why weren't you here yesterday I missed you so much!" he says. "haha okay it's be nice if we got i hang out but I have so issues." i say with smile. "Hey so someone saw you kiss Dustin yesterday." He spits and covers his mouth. "oops." he says. "You know that Ally and him are dating right?" he says. "No actually." i admit. "it's alright this happens a lot, most people don't get the memo." he says.

"I like you." he admits after a long awkward walk to class. "What?" I say. "Never mind." he says. I hug him and he hugs back. "I maybe or may not feel the same way." I say. Then I feel Trevor get stiff. I let go of the hug to only see Dustin making out and sucking faces with Ally.

Like I said early today. someone just kill me.

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