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That morning Milo sat surrounded by the guys in church. They have been there probably an hour and no ones sad anything. Clay had voiced that he nor the club didn't trust her. She didn't like this, it made her uncomfortable and all the negatives were trying to push their way through. Clay stepped forward. "So you disappear and a few days later we happen to get raided by A.T.F?" they got raided? For what? The guys were actually shocked that Clay was accusing her of being a rat. Piney found this absolutely ridiculous. "First you blame Opie and now Milo? What has she done to question her loyalty?"

Milo had built this wall when she was gone. Sort of a defense mechanism. So she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Clay. "maybe if big mouth can shut the hell up i can explain where i've been. And i can tell you right now i'm not a rat." though the situation was tense some of the guys chuckled. "Why don't you tell us then? Spin your story." so thats exactly what she did.

She went back to that night. She had been walking quietly down main street when she heard sirens. She had stopped and looked back seeing a cruiser pulling up to her. Confusion had filled her mind. She had broken no laws and her probation wasn't violated. Agent Stahl stepped out of the car and slammed Milo to the ground cuffing her. She read her, her rights and said she was in violation of her probation and shoved her in the car.

Skip about a week later she was sat in a cell waiting for her court hearing. She still had no idea what she violated but she heard some people talking about the Sons so she figured it had something to do with them. When she walked into the courtroom she noticed the judge was the person who handled her case 6 years ago. It didn't take long for them to rule her guilty and before she knew it she was hauled off to Chino. Only thing is she was locked in solitary. Judge deeming her to dangerous. She left out the part of being beaten and starved and skipped to the end of the story. She had somehow convinced them to let her call a lawyer and she used all the money she had to get her out of that place.

Everyone stared at her. They didn't know what to say. Happy knew she left stuff out and they needed to hear it. "What about the bruises?" Milo cringed at the word. Jax was starting to piece things together. "Last night when i hugged you. You said your bone felt like glass. Do you have broken ribs?" honestly she didn't know. She hasn't talked to a doctor yet. Her first thought when getting out was her family. "What would Stahl get out of arresting you? It doesn't make sense."

Is he serious right now? Why did he have the need to accuse people of ratting? The guys looked at him in disbelief. "Don't believe me Clay? Fine." she stood and lifted her shirt just below her breasts and everyone saw the proof. "Is that proof enough for you?" she pulled her shirt back down. This was all a little ridiculous but Clay has been a little more careful with the club.

"All in favor of letting her back?" instantly everyone's hands shot up. It was settled. She wasn't a rat. "Its good to have you back lass. Its been different without you here." everyone nodded in agreement. It made her smile knowing that the guys missed her. But she wanted to know what she missed. "Have i missed anything important?" the guys grew quiet and the room became tense. What the hell did she miss?

Homecoming//Sons of Anarchy//Happy LowmanWhere stories live. Discover now