High Queen Lexi!

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Lexi's P.O.V

"Xavier and Cain, Take the Packs, Demons and Fallen and head to the west side, Lucas and Nicholas, Please take the Vampires and Fairys to the east side and Matty and Andy, Can you guys take the Witch Coven's and Sirens to the south, Ill have the north side, I want this pack surrounded" I told my older brothers

"What about you tho Lex?, You'll have no one with you?" Cain said concerned as the others looked worried

"Ill be fine boys I promises, No one will mess with me, Im the High Queen remember and plus I've got help from kings" I said looking at my brothers

"Still you are our baby sister, We love you and wanna protect you" Xavier said pulling me into his arms

"GROUP HUG!" I heard Matt scream as they all rushed over and joined in

"Wait!, What about Shane and the other supernaturals?" Lucas questioned

"Don't worry, Ill deal with him myself" I growled

'Now Lexi baby girl, I know your mad at him, I would be to if any of your fathers did that to me but he didn't wanna get you involved' I heard my mum's voice ring in my head

'But mummy, He didn't tell me he found Ari, What if My daddy's keep that secret that they found me away from you??' I giggled at my mother

'Your right, let him have it' She giggled back

'Can we have our mate back now? We were busy' Three muscular voices rang in my head

'Okay Ewwww' My voice held disgust along with all my brothers who were listening in

'What if we weren't busy all those years ago, All of you wouldn't be alive' My dad Falcon called out

'Now that is true so you guys are lucky we got busy' My Father Scott's voice said amused

'Yea whatever Dad, To much information Father' Xavier said grossed out as the rest of us

'To much information, How about the time I stuck my tounge in your mother's-' My daddy Noel voice whispered but was cut off

'Okayyyy, Moving on, Just bring our whole family home boys and look after your sister, Love you all, From your dad's to' My mum's voice said, We said our goodbyes and I love you's before getting back to the plan

*** Half an hour later ***

"Big Trouble Indeed" I said looking at every supernatural before my eyes settle on my handsome and god damn sexy husband

"Especially you, Mr Jones" I said pointing at him, Making him gulp

I watch as every supernatural, Who was with my husband and the Bloodstone pack tried to scramble away

"STOP" I screamed making everyone freeze

"Boys, You can come out now" My brothers and there groups emerged from the trees surrounding everyone

"Now Adrian baby, Can you tell me what happen?" I ask looking at my son and holding my daughter as she was still weak

"It's a long story"

"It's okay, Everyone can hear it, So I can decide, What will happen to this pack and their Alpha's"

"Okay well when I arrived here, I asked the Beta's polity if I could speak to there Alpha's and Luna because this is where I tracked Aria's scent, But when I got here they started beating me and when Aria arrived, She threaten them to stop and they tried to keep us apart, But I had to protect my baby sister, Like Uncle Xav and the others would with you" He said but then tears started to form in his eyes

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