Such a funny coincidence. Not.

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Jack POV

After I had returned Mr. Olaf's laptop, Elsa still hadn't come back, so he sent me after her. I had looked everywhere for her, I even called into the girl's bathroom.

She was nowhere to be seen.

Wait, screw that. She was right in front of me. I facepalmed. How did I not see her there?

"Elsa!" I called her name. Didn't she care that she was missing class?

When she didn't answer, I called her again. And again. She was too busy studying something on the ground. Then, I watched her eyes widen.

And she ran.




Elsa POV

I need to find something. I need to see if my suspicions were right.

Forgetting all about class, I ran. Down the hallway, down 3 floors, all the way to the library. I wasn't even out of breath when I got there. There was no time. I had to get there and find out A. S. A. P.

As I rushed in a grabbed a laptop, I heard someone panting at the door.

"Elsa...wait...up..." It was Jack. Of course. How did I guess? ( Note the sarcasm )

I ignored him and searched the school students history. I went from our year, 2014. 2013, 2012, no no.

Screw that, I'm gonna go farther back.

2000, 1999...Found it!

I gazed at the screen. Just as I had guessed, there was a name that I had recognized. The name whose body I had lived as, myself, two years ago.


'Asle Elladnera'

Enrolled: 1994

Homeroom: Mr. Olaf.

Birth Date: January 23, 1978

Death: November 23, 1996

Cause of death: Exposure to chemical X during lab experiment-beacon smashed by classmate Pitch Black, who was expelled and arrested that exact day.

|Continue? |

I slammed the laptop shut, making everyone in the library shush me.

I ran out the library, seeing if I can find that girl again.

I found my shadow again, once again running from me.

I chased after it and found the girl, once again, sitting on a bench crying her eyes out.

She spots me and starts to back off.

"No, no. Please, don't. Haven't I been through enough?" She cried, her voice hollow with grief.

I came closer, wanting to help her.

"No! No! Please, stop. Stop!!" She screamed holding her hands out in panic. I saw that they were stained with black, steaming oil. Then she ran off.

"Wait! Please!" I call after her. I can't keep running forever.

I just want to know what happened. Why Pitch had chose to kill her on that specific date.

Because, here's the thing.

Asle Elladnera died on my birthday.




P.S. For Elsa's birthday I put the frozen release date. Anyone know the real one?

Thanks for reading!


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