Jack X Goldilocks

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He turned to see Red standing behind him. What does she want? Why can't she ever just leave me alone? He thought, "Yes?" He asked with a slightly annoyed tone. Sure she was queen, but that didn't mean that he liked her the same as she did for him.

"How's your day going? Chopping any trees or climbing any beanstalks lately?" Her eyes shifted down to his muscular arms and she bit her lip. He rolled his eyes, "Same as usual, just not the beanstalk. That was a one time thing."

Red laughed.. a little too hysterically, "Oh Jack! You're so funny!"

A white sheet suddenly covered Jack's face. He removed it and saw that it was a 'WANTED' poster. It had a really big reward pay. He could be rich! He looked at the picture to see if he might have seen the person before..

It was of a stunning-no-beautiful girl with locks of golden hair falling over her. Her face was serious, yet her deep blue eyes made Jack's heart skip a beat. She looked about his age, and familiar from his childhood. He swore he's seen her before, "Goldilocks?" He breathed. Sure enough, when he looked at the name, Goldilocks was printed in bold. He had almost forgotten about her. He hasn't seen her in nine years after all.

"Those papers are all over the place." Red sighed, "I doubt anyone would be worth that much money except for me." 

Jack didn't hear her. Instead, he ran in the other direction, towards his house. He wanted to find the goodbye letter that Goldilocks gave her when they were ten years old. Maybe it would give some clue to where she went...


Weeks, even months passed, and Jack hadn't found anything that could lead him to Goldilocks. They had been best friends as kids. He had always wondered why she left without telling him where, but he supposed that becoming a robber was a good reason not to tell.

He sat on a rock in the forest thinking deeply. 

Suddenly, he heard a horse neigh nearby. He leapt off of the rock and snuck in that direction. Nobody was going to sneak up on him!

He peered from behind a tree and saw a horse standing beside....

"Goldilocks!" He called out before thinking. She whipped her head to face him and drew her sword that was strapped to her waist. She quickly put it under his chin. He was taken aback, "Whoa whoa whoa.." He raised his hands in surrender, "Don't you recognize me?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, she recognized him, but she wasn't persuaded it was him for sure, "Tell me something only Jack would know."

He sighed, knowing she at least knew it was him, "Uh.. You and I spied on Red one time and got busted hardcore." He said, smiling at one of his favorite memories of her.

A grin came over Goldilocks' face, "And your dad found out and he grounded you from dessert for two weeks!" She laughed and lowered her sword, "I've missed you Ja-"

Jack grabbed onto Goldilocks, dipped her, and kissed her passionately. Goldilocks' eyes widened. He set her back up and she raised an eyebrow at him, "That was something,"

"Sorry." He said, "What I meant was- I missed you too Goldie. I don't want to lose you again. You were my best friend! When you left, I sort of lost all sort of happiness."

Goldilocks scoffed, "Whatever. You didn't miss me that much." 

Jack grabbed her hand and looked her in the eyes, "Do you really believe yourself when you say that?" He asked. She stared back into his eyes and realized that she didn't.. She missed him just as much as he missed her, "No,"

They jumped when they heard a stick crack. Goldilocks looked at him with wide eyes, "I have to go." She pulled her hand from his. 

"No, please don't," He complained, "I can't lose you again!"

She kissed his cheek and got onto her horse, "You won't." A blush crept across both their faces, "Tomorrow, same place, same time." Without waiting for a response, she rode away.

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