Alex X Arthur

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(CAUTION: This has a spoiler for book #6!)

The war was finally over. Finally over. Arthur sighed and kneeled on the ground with relief. He watched other characters celebrating.

He thought back to Rook. He hated him when he first met Rook, because he was trying to get with his girl, but his death was honorable. Arthur would've done the same for Alex in a heartbeat. Seeing Rook's bravery brought Arthur to respect him though.

Then he saw her.

She was hugging Conner tightly, tears streaming from her eyes. She looked so beautiful. (Especially now that she wasn't being controlled by witches with a mad look in her eyes and hair flying in all directions.) Her white dress and body was covered in dirt, and her headband was slightly torn, but she was still the girl he fell in love with. The only girl he fell in love with.

He stood up off of the ground and Alex looked over Conner's shoulder. Her gaze lit up when she saw him. After they parted, Alex ran to Arthur and leapt into his open arms. "I can't believe we won, and you guys didn't kill me like I told you to." She laughed. Arthur spun her around, "We would never kill you. Your brother told you there was another way."

He set her down and she looked up into his eyes, arms still wrapped around Arthur's neck, "Thank you for saving me and my old world."

"Anything for you Alex." He cupped her cheek, "Can you do me a tiny favor now?"

She blinked, "Umm... Sure."

"Can you give me a 'thank you' kiss?"

She laughed, blushing slightly, "Sure." She quickly kissed his cheek.

"Aw come on. You can do better than that." He teased, slightly disappointed that it wasn't the lips. She laughed once again, "I'm not so sure about that. How about you show me?"

"This is just as cute as one of Shakeyfruit's stories!"

They turned to see Red squee.  Goldilocks was beside her holding Hero with an amused look on her face. Goldilocks nodded, "Exactly like Shakeyfruit. Cringy and everything."

Red huffed, "You interrupted them! Hush!" Red put a finger to Goldilocks' lips. Goldilocks shooed it away, "That was you." 

"Whatever. Just shut your trap." Red and Goldilocks turned back to bewildered Arthur and Alex. Arthur rolled his eyes, "Anyways...I sure will." He grabbed Alex's waist and back and dipped her. He kept his face centimeters from hers, "Let me know if this is a good congratulations." Then, he kissed her.

Red cheered, "Woooohoo-" Goldilocks put her free hand over Red's mouth to hush her. Hero made a sound that sounded like a scoff. "You tell her Hero. She needs to listen to her own words." 

After about a minute, Arthur sat Alex back up, "Well?"

She grinned at him, "It could use some work."

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