Hiyori's Dreams (Yatori)

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(A/N I personally love Noragami, and I love the Yatori pairing even more! So I'm writting a fluffy one shot for Yatori. Enjoy!)

Hiyori POV

"What's that smell? It smells... nice."

A soft chuckle was heard from behind the door. "Well, looks like you found me..."

"Y-Yato! W-what are you doing here!" A blush cascaded across my face as I remembered that I was in skimpy pajama's. "W-where's Yukine?" I asked awkwardly, trying to hide my blush as Yato walked in.

"He's back at the shrine. But I didn't come for him, I came for you." My blush deepened, making my whole body hot. Yato walked up in front of me, eyeing me tenderly. "Don't you think... it's a little cold to be wearing that?" 

He was right, it was cold. It was mid-January and in a ridiculously large house, it was freezing. I nodded my head. "Yeah... It's a little cold. But I forgot to do my laundry, so it's all I had to wear..." Yato smirked, walking closer.

I tried to avoid eye contact, knowing my blush would just intensify if I looked into his eyes. He placed a hand under my chin, lifting my head up. "It's not like I mind." He leaned down, placing his lips on mine. I smiled and kissed back, closing my eyes. He pulled away, "and Hiyori?" He asked, I looked up at him while still blushing. "I'll keep you warm." He sat behind me and pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me.

"..iyori! Hiyori! Wake up!" My eyes shot open, looking around the room. "Are you alright Hiyori?" Both Yukine and Yato stood around me, looking at me with concern. "You were shivering in your sleep, then you started yelling!"  It took me a moment to comprehend what Yukine said.  When I did, I blushed furiously, backing away while mumbling things like "oh no".

"Y-Yea! I-I'm okay!"  I said, my face as red as a beet.

"You sure...?" Yukine asked, raising his hands in the air.

Yato hadn't said anything, he was looking at the floor. "...Yukine, get out for a second. I need to talk to Hiyori. In private." At first Yukine looked between the two in confusion, then a sly smile spread across his face. He walked out the door, still grinning.

"Hiyori..." My eye's shot up, looking into Yato's. "What happened.. please don't lie. When you were asleep, you... you were mumbling my name. Then you started shivering and you screamed. I blushed and thought back to my dream. In my thoughts when he talked he sent shivers down my spine, and when when he kissed my I was screaming on the inside. Except I was on the inside, so I guess I screamed in my sleep. "So what happened Hiyori... You... You scared me back there." Yato blushed while looking at the ground.

I chuckled at his childness. "I-It was a dream where you... you kissed me..." I mumbled, now being my turn to be awkward. He smiled and laughed quietly.

"That's a relief, I thought perhaps I did something I would regret later." Both his and my eyes widened upon realizing what he said. "Ah.. um... I-I didn't mean it like that!" I laughed at his shyness. He smiled and sat on the edge of my bed. "Hiyori, what I mean is that I would never hurt you. You're probably the best thing that's ever happened to me, and losing my life would probably be easier than losing you." He leaned over and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled when I smelled the all to familiar scent that I'd come to love. "I'm sorry Hiyori." He mumbled into the top of my head.

"Y-Yato?" I asked, relishing his smell that surrounded me.

"Hm?" He asked, sounding tired.

"I-I think I... like you..."

Yato's eyes shot open when I said that. He unwound his arms from around my waist, looking into my eyes. I felt like I had screwed up, like he wouldn't want to be near me anymore. Besides he was a god, and I was human, I was the lesser being. I looked back up, my eyes meeting electric blue ones, and getting lost in them. Yato smiled, bringing me back to reality. "Hiyori," he smiled leaning in towards my face, until our foreheads were touching. "I like you too." He smiled hapilly again before pressing his lips to mine.

Sparks flew throughout my body, sending shivers down my spine. I smiled and kissed back, knowing that in my dream world, I was screaming.

(Lame, I know. Cliche, I know. But kawaiiiiiii! I literally love the Yatori pairing, one of my faves next to Nai (Naru x Mai). Well I hope you guys enjoyed my one shot!)

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