Chapter 1; The Start

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It was strange. The entire thing was strange.

First I was standing on a street in Manhattan across from my brother Thor, holding the tesseract; next thing I know, I'm Laying face first across a mound of fresh snow.

I had just remembered getting my ass kicked by the Avengers, and they had just begun to say their goodbyes. Of course, I hadn't said anything at all, considering that Thor attached a damn muzzle around my face. I was still aching severely after that battle- especially when I was thrashed around like a stuffed animal by the Hulk. I still hadn't got over when he had called me "puny god" even though he had totally proved his point by utterly smashing me to the ground.

I stood up and looked around where I was. I had no Idea how I had arrived here, but my guess was that I had let go of the tesseract while Thor was taking me to Asgard. I probably spun off course and ended up in whatever this hellscape is.

I was at the edge of a forest, standing in deep snow. Ahead of me was a majestic mountain, and from the other side I could see an eerie blue glow emanating from something large.

My first priority, however, was taking off this muzzle. It hindered my magical ability, and also prevented me from speaking, so it was kind of a big deal to get it off as soon as possible. The weak handcuffs that bound me for a short amount of time were simple enough to get off- they might have just been there to show that I was, in fact, a prisoner of war. But I knew that trying to pry the muzzle off of my face wouldn't do me any good. In fact, it could have tightened if I tried to pry it off with my bare hands. I figured there must be a latch of some sort.

I started to feel around my face for a switch or a knob of some sort to release the metal wrapped around my face. When I found none, I had an urge to give up. I could, of course, just call for Heimdall to bring me back to Asgard, but I think calling to him would be a death wish, considering that I had been a prisoner of war when I had landed here. They would probably just throw me in the Asgardian prison if I returned.

Even though I haven't a clue where I am now, I would bet that it's better than Asgard.

I stand up and begin to trudge through the deep snow, still feeling around my face. If I didn't have this thing on I could have uttered a spell that would allow me to walk on top of the snow as though it were land, but since I couldn't speak I had to stumble over these mounds of snow that grew deeper every second like a common mortal man.

I didn't even know where I was headed, but the only man-made thing that I could see was that eerie blue light, so I made my way there.

The snow seeped into my boots, rested there, and then melted into water. I continued to hear the sloshing of the water as I walked toward the light.

When I made my way to the front of the mountain, I saw a magnificent ice castle sitting perched on the side of the mountain. It's beauty intrigued me- it almost looked as though it had been built by a god. So I started to instead climb up the snowy mountain toward the castle, still fiddling with the muzzle.

when I had made my way up, I was about a quarter mile away from the castle, I reached a deep cavernous crevice that would have been impossible to climb over or to jump over. Conveniently (almost too much so) there was an entire staircase made of ice climbing up and over the cavern, and it was leading straight up to the castle.

that's almost too perfect... I started to think, walking toward it. I started to suspect this wasn't what I had expected.

I step onto the first ice step, and feel my boots slip on the ice. No problem, I thought, I'll just hold onto the railing.

Of course, I wasn't so lucky there. When I stepped onto the next step, my front foot slid backwards, throwing me off balance and slamming me face first onto the rock hard ice of the staircase. My chin slammed down after the muzzle, and I tasted blood in my mouth. I also heard a cracking sound, and I really hoped I didn't accidentally break my teeth. Or my skull. Or really any other of my bones.

As I start to stand up, though, wincing from the pain of the still fresh bruises that I got from the Hulk, I feel that the muzzle is significantly looser. As I reach for it, it practically falls apart and falls down onto the ice and bounces off of the staircase and down into the cavern. With a sigh of relief, I feel my jaw and teeth, and with much relief, they are all intact and unbroken. I open my mouth and my jaw cracks as it slides back into a normal position.

finally. I utter a spell, and with ease I walk normally up the staircase and over the snow gracefully. When I reach the door to the castle, I knock politely. When there is no reply, I walk in without being invited and step into the ice castle.

I figured this was the start to a great adventure.


Author's note; hello wattpad! This is my first story and I hope you enjoy it, it should get pretty bizarre soon. I'll write as often I can, please be patient though.

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