Chapter 12; I, the shapeshifter

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I wake up, my head resting against the hard ground. I sit upright, and I run my hands through my knotted black hair. My ears are ringing for a moment, and when they stop, I can hear someone yelling.

"Loki! Loki! Where are you?!" It's Katniss's voice.

I scramble up to my feet and run toward her voice. When her voice starts to get louder, I run faster, until I ran straight into her and she yelps in pain as we tumble over each other.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry!" I start, and I look down at her, lying in the fallen leaves.

Her eyes open, and she looks at me with angry eyes. "Why the hell..." she slowly regains her footing. "Rue! I found him!" She yells. I hear light footsteps approaching us and Rue enters the small clearing.

"Why did you run off?" She demands.

"I couldn't sleep. And I saw these people in a giant clearing with a pile of goodies near a large metal structure." I say, thinking this would be news to them. "Who are they?"

"The career tributes. District 1, 2, and 4. They train their whole life to prepare for the hunger games. You see, if you win, you get a lot of money and a house in the victor's village." Katniss explains. "They're from the wealthiest districts. They still aren't as wealthy as the capital, though."

Rue seems to be contemplating something. "We should check out their place. You said there's a large pile of goodies next to them?"

"Yes. Come on, follow me." I take them back to the clearing and show them the pile. The other people are just starting to wake up.

"See the mounds of dirt?" Rue points out. "They're bombs. They buried them to keep people out of their things."

I clap my hands together. "Perfect! I have a plan. I, the shapeshifter, can fly over there and take their stuff."

Katniss chuckles. "You think they might be able to realize an eagle flying in at regular intervals to take their stuff? No, we have to blow it up."

I sniff angrily. "Can't I just try it one time?" Katniss looks at me with disapproval, but before she can stop me, I transform and fly over to the pile. I land on top of it, looking down at the people. One boy sees me and eyes me suspiciously. I grab the nearest bag with my claw, and start to fly off. But I don't get far before I hear the boy.

"That bird is trying to make off with our stuff!" He shrieks. "Piss off, you stupid bird!"

He launches the spear with incredible accuracy, and in order to live, I drop the bag and catch the spear with my claws, but the weight of the spear pulls me down to the ground, and I involuntarily change back into myself in midair. I fall to the ground, and I hit the grass with such force that I can't get up again. I thank the gods that I don't land in the bombs.

I see Katniss and Rue standing off to the side, mouths open. I also see the career tributes rushing toward me. I motion for the girls to run, save themselves, and they do, without hesitation.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" The leader of their gang looks down into my emerald green eyes with a wild smile on his face. He suddenly grabs the collar on my outfit, and brings my face up to his. "Answer me, idiot!"

There is a round of laughter heard around the circle of people. They all advance toward me.

"We're gonna kill you, you know." He smiles at me.

"Cato, please. He looks ridiculous. Look at his outfit!" A girl behind him cackles evilly. "Do you have any last words?"

I look at the boy staring down at me, I feel blood dripping down my face. "Who do you think you are, speaking to a god like that?" I say, steadying my voice.

As if on cue, I hear lightning and an explosion of noise behind me, and the boy immediately lets go of me.

"Get off of him!" Thor says. The career tributes recede away from me. "Loki, you better not try to escape again."

"Yes, thank you Thor." I say, looking up at him. "Just take me home. I won't fight you." I hold out my hand for him to take.

But he doesn't. Instead, I see him pointing Mjolnir at the career tributes. He's gonna kill them! I think, but not wanting to harm the people who were simply just trying to stay alive, I grab his arm and I yell, "Heimdall, bring us back!"

And I suddenly feel myself being dragged back through the flashing colors of the bifrost, trying my hardest to not let go of Thor's hand.

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