Chapter 19; special guest

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I enter Gryffindor tower, and I immediately see large amounts of students mingling around the room, doing homework, discussing classes, ect. I automatically follow Harry upstairs and into his dormitory. Ron sits bolt upright at our footsteps.

"How'd It go?" He asks as we enter the room.

Before Harry can say anything, I answer. "I could tell that Harry missed being with you Ron. He didn't really talk to me much. And I'm sure you were bored. I don't think it's a good Idea to do this again, Ok?"

"Yeah, I agree. But did everything go alright? You know, with the classes?" He persists.

"Oh yeah, everything went fine." Harry answers. I hand Ron back his wand, bag and items, and I change back into Loki.

There's a silence. "Well now what?" I ask, unsure of what to do.

Suddenly, Harry's face lights up. "You know what? We have a DA meeting tonight! We could take you to the room of requirement and introduce you to the DA members!"

"you're right!" Ron exclaims. "Let's go get Hermione and make our way there!" He jumps up and runs down the stairs without waiting for us.

"You'll need to hide so that nobody sees you on our way down to the room of requirement." Harry says. He starts to rummage around in his trunk, and then pulls a transparent, silvery white piece of fabric from his trunk.

"What is that?" I say, entranced.

"An invisibility cloak. You put it on and you become invisible." He explains.

"I don't need it. I can already make myself invisible." I say. I demonstrate and he sighs as he stows the cloak back in his trunk.

"Come on." He says, and I follow him down the stairs and out of the dormitory. We walk through the hallways, me trying my best to not touch anyone as we make our way to a barren hallway. Ron, Harry, and Hermione all turn toward a blank wall.

"What exactly are we-" I am cut off as a door almost materializes out of nowhere on the wall. It's a large, ancient looking wooden door, and we enter it into a large room filled with books, plus a large area where nothing stands (presumably for practicing spells).

"This is very cool." I comment, examining the books lined on the walls.

"Yep! It just appeared for us one day when we needed it. Pretty convenient, right?" Ron says.

The door starts to open, and I become invisible, for me to reveal myself when everybody gets here. Hermione casts a confused look toward my invisible body, but she turns back without question.

"Hello." A girl with a dreamy look on her face and a flowery voice walks in. She has pale blond hair and absurd radish earrings. "Do you know what we're going to do today?"

"Introduce a special guest." Harry says. "And then learn a few new counter curses."

"Where's the special guest?" She says, looking around dreamily.

"Good question." Harry looks around, confused, but Hermione answers his question.

"He disappeared. Don't ask me why."

A few moments later, a group of boys enter the room, looking eager to begin.

"Hiya Harry!" One small boy says.

"Hello, Collin." Harry replies.

In a few minutes, the room is full, and Hermione gestures to me to tell me that everyone is here.

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