"Alright guys" Sunday looked across the table at his companions, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. "The Week is about to restart again. Which means-"
"Which means Monday's coming back." Thursday interrupted with a growl.
The rest of the Days gasped. "But I thought that I got rid of them" Tuesday spoke up, a little fearful. They and Monday didn't have the greatest relationship anymore. Especially since he joined the Days with Wednesday.
"They always comes back Tuesday. Always. Father Time is cruel like that" Friday spoke with a drawl, a pipe in one hand and the other leaning on Saturdays reclined chair for support.
"But" Tuesday rubbed their hands nervously "but what if we stop them from taking time away from Sunday?"
"Friday's right." Wednesday placed a comforting hand on Tuesday's shoulder. "We can't keep Father Time on one Day. He won't allow it."
Sunday sighed. "There might be a way, but we need Monday here.
Friday and Saturday, do you have anything more to add before I continue?""No Sunday. Us Weekends are quite happy to have you at the head and trust your judgement." Friday continued to smoke, dropping their shades a little bit lower.
"Saturday?" Sunday looked over at the chill day.
Saturday just nodded, their dark shades pulled over their eyes and a tanning mirror in their hands. As usual, Saturday honestly didn't care where Father Time was, they just sat and enjoyed their time, wherever they were.
"Well then" Sunday snapped and a stack of paperwork appeared. "There's thins thing I've been working on for awhile. It's called Time Zones. Depending on where you are in the world, will depend on what time and in some cases, even what Day it is. When you switch between these 'zones' you can effectively go back or forward in time another Day. Now in order for this to be instituted by Father Time, all Seven of us have to agree."
"But what if Monday somehow makes if perpetual them?" Tuesday worried.
"That's not possible. You see, it only works once either way because time continues on both sides of the time veil" Sunday tried to explain, but wasn't very effective.
"Aww, having a meeting without me?" A low, sarcastic voice echoed around the room, making everyone but Saturday jump.
"Hey-hey Monday" Tuesday stuttered, trying to keep a grip.
Monday wasn't intimidating or imposing physically, in fact, they were quite small. The black baggy clothing they wore probably didn't help with size, but it did help Monday's 'vibe'. They just seemed to radiate exhaustion and negative energy. It made them the most frightening, and annoying of the Days. Even Father Time didn't especially like Monday.
"Glad to see you here Tuesday" Monday gave Tuesday one of those 'I'll kill you later' smiles. "And I'm glad that the rest of you all finally joined the group I founded before Sunday took control of it."
Monday glared at Sunday in their seat. Who could forget that monumental moment? Well, everyone wanted to forget. What Sunday did... wasn't exactly befitting of a Weekend, let alone a Day.