Chapter 10, Safe

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After I found out I was chosen for the tournament, I scheduled a meeting with Dumbledore. I know I was technically eligible to compete, then again I would be 2 years younger then everyone else (except for Harry of course). As as I was walking to Dumbledore's office, Cedric found me.

Ced: "Angelica, wait up!"
He was panting and I allowed him to catch up with me.

Me: "Yes? By the way congrats on getting chosen"

Cedric: "Thank you, you as well. I'm sorry for putting my name in and I know that upset you. But come to think of it, you are kind of a hypocrite for putting your own name in as well after telling me not to do it"

I got upset after Cedric told me this

Me: "I am nothing but a hypocrite pretty boy. I never put my name It nor I would want to. In fact, I'm heading towards Dumbledore's office to fix this mess. I also don't have a good feeling about this tournament because of the fact that 2 people who didn't put their name in the Goblet got chosen. It seems off"

Cedric: "If you are going to Dumbledore's, I need to come with. I promised him that I would be with you 24/7. "

Me:"Uh fine. But I'm still bloody mad at you"

Cedric: "You still love me thought, right?"

Me: "Please just take a hint and shut up"
Cedric took the hint that I was annoyed and stayed quiet.

Cedric walked me to Dumbledore's office. I knocked on the door and said the password "Sherbet Lemon" and it magically opened.

Dumbledore: Ah isn't Angelica and Diggory? I see you have been keeping up with your duties Mr.Diggory. What was it that you wanted to see me for Angelica?

Me: "I didn't put my name in the Goblet and nor did Harry. I want out"

Dumbledore: "Yes, it's very odd that Harry got called, but you are eligible to compete"

Me: "I told you I didn't put my name in there"
My hair turned red because I was getting irritated. I could feel heat through my hands but I calmed it down as soon as I felt it.

Dumbledore: "I just saw your hands. You are indeed learning to control your abilities. I am very proud"

Cedric: "Which is why it was a good decision to let her stay"

Dumbledore: "Yes, Cedric. Anyways Angelica, you are eligible to compete and even if you weren't, your name was still drawn, therefor you must compete"

Me: "But doesn't this seem off? Two students didn't put their names in yet still got chosen. That's asking for trouble. And I don't mean to be rude but whenever Harry gets involved, it puts other people in danger. He does not mean to do it but it is true."

Dumbledore: "I see your point. I will make sure that there will be safety precautions such as teachers near by or signals if one is in danger."

Me: "Thank you Dumbledore"

Dumbledore: "Please, Albus."
I nodded my head and walked out of the room with Cedric by my side.

Cedric: "You never answered my question. Do you still love me?"

Me: "I don't know"

Ced: "But you said you did yesterday. How can you change your mind so fast?"

Me: "I love you as a friend Cedric! You wanted a chance and I gave you a fu*cking chance! What the bloody hell do you want from me now?!! I only said I loved you and kissed you because I was scared for you to enter that contest! And shame on me because It didn't work. I'm sorry Cedric but I just can't love! I never had a crush or liked anyone in general! Why do you think I hate being a Veela so much? Because I sometimes wish I was invisible so I wouldn't be loved!"

Cedric: "Angelica, I know this sounds crazy but I feel like I was meant to be with you. I have never found a Veela worth drooling for until I found you. But the thing is, when I 1st saw you I didn't see your looks. I saw that bright light in your eyes and your kind spirit. I felt drawn to it. For some reason it feels like a large portion of my life, I was missing you. Maybe I don't love you, but it sure does feel like love to me"

Me: "I don't know how love feels like"

Cedric: "Imagine that you are feeling my emotions and try to feel it."

Me: "That's silly"

Cedric: "It's a start"

I closed my eyes and tried to put my self in Cedric's position. I felt all sorts of emotions, thinking they where just imaginary. Little did I know that these where Cedric's real emotions. These emotions felt beautiful at first. Peaceful and majestic. But I then soon felt a rush of emotions, 1 in particular I didn't understand. I felt heart break, pain, happiness, and that one emotion that was frighting because I couldn't comprehend it. That emotion that out ruled them

I then felt my self going unconscious and collapsed on the floor.

(Don't forget to vote, comment, and share! When you guys show that you like my books, it gives me the motivation to write more and update more. Anyways hope ya'll like this chapter. Sorry that it's short)

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