Chloe ∞

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Chloe ( Little Bug )

"You're my punk teddy"

Chloe you're are just wow. It's hard for me to explain how much you mean to me. You're very very special. You're like one of those rare people you meet in life that kind of change you a bit. You have made me just see how precious life is and how i should appreciate it. You make me smile so much. You're hilarious and you have the sweetest heart. You are so caring and sweet, I think you are the sweetest person I have ever met. You're so fucking beautiful and strong, Chloe. You are my little bug, and I am your bear haha. We are seriously like an old married couple, you are my other missing half Chloe. We will be an old little couple walking through the streets of London on day, I just know it. You make me smile with your hugs and you are so damn adorable. I am very protective over you, I mean what bear would not be protective over his little bug cx I love making you laugh and love giving you hugs and cuddles. I know there is a ton more I could say about you, but I want to say thank you. Thank you for changing my life for the better and just making me smile. Thank you for being there and you just understand me idk. 

I love you so much Chloe.

Love Gunner Bear.

/ You & I --> / 

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