»morning scenery«

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His new sjoes were shining on deserted sidewalk, covered with snow.
He was waiting fir her with his heart racing and white breath leaving his mouth. Snowflakes were dancing on merciless wind,sticking slowly on his damp hair,the end of his scarf and his eyelashes.
She appeared hugged by winter's morning,showered with street lights and white ice sticking on her red coat. Smile danced on her shiny lips making her eyes smaller. Her small arms wrapped around his waust as her melodic voice filled the silence.

"I can't believe that I got up this early."

"Because of me?" He raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"Of course not. I wanna see that beautiful sunrise above the morning scenery too."

They both knew that none of them is there just because of the morning scenery.

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