Chapter Thirteen

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Myrtle was so engaged in writing the article for the Bradley Bugle and in trying to give it journalistic integrity instead of letting it descend into tabloid territory, that she was startled at the knock on the door at ten o'clock.

"This place is busier than the Charlotte airport," she muttered to herself as she walked to her front door.

It all came back to her when she saw Jack's sunny face smiling up at her. He hugged her around her leg and then trotted inside.

Elaine gave her a doubtful expression. Usually when Jack came over, Myrtle had her house completely set up for the visit. She'd have cartoons on the television, a coloring book set out, a bowl of snacks on the coffee table, and a basket of toys on the floor. This time, there was only Myrtle, still wearing bedroom slippers and clutching a cup of coffee.

"We said ten, didn't we?" asked Elaine anxiously. "Are you sure this works for you today?"

"It certainly does! Jack and I are going to ... well, I think we're going to play out in the backyard. Or maybe trace our hands on paper. Or do shadow puppets. I haven't completely figured it out yet, but I thought maybe Jack could help brainstorm with me." She'd have to finish the article later. But, since Sloan technically wasn't even expecting an additional story, she had a feeling that would work out just fine. "Besides, Miles is going to drop by and entertain us." She was sure that Miles would drop by. It was the entertainment part that he wasn't actually aware of yet.

Sure enough, it was about thirty minutes later when she heard Miles tap lightly on her door. She knew it had to be Miles because everyone else pounded on her door as if she were deaf as a post. "Come in!" she hollered from the kitchen.

" 'Min!" yelled Jack, echoing her.

"Mr. Miles is going to play with us, Jack. Won't that be fun?" asked Myrtle.

Miles opened the door and peered inside. "Myrtle?"

"In the kitchen!" called Myrtle.

"Kitchen!" agreed her Greek chorus.

Miles appeared a moment later in the kitchen door. "Hi Jack! Having fun?"

Jack was standing on a tall stool in front of the kitchen sink. He beamed at Miles and struck his hand at the water in the sink, instantly covering both himself and Myrtle.

"Swimming, Myrtle?" asked Miles in an amused voice.

"Just because we're soaked doesn't mean we're swimming," said Myrtle with a sniff. "It only means that we're having a good time. Technically, we're ice fishing. Show Mr. Miles, Jack."

Jack held up a strainer. And then he beat the water in the sink with it, sending plumes of water up.

"We've put ice cubes in the sink and Jack is busily fishing them out and putting them in a bowl," said Myrtle. "Ice fishing."

"Very clever. And you are multitasking by also simultaneously bathing Jack and yourself. Ingenious." Miles grinned at her.

"I know. I'm thinking we should segue into the backyard now to dry off in the warmth of the sun. Would you like to accompany us?"

"I'd love to." Miles glanced at the kitchen counter. "It looks as if your cell phone is trying to communicate with you, Myrtle. Lights are blinking."

"Oh, that's right. It was making all kinds of racket a little while ago, but since Jack and I were playing with water, I decided it was best if my phone and I were segregated. Can you check it for me? I'm way too soggy to mess with electronics."

Murder on Opening Night: Myrtle Clover #9Where stories live. Discover now