A Date In Hogsmead

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Harry took one more look in the mirror, eyeing his hair, his outfit, his face - he had to look good today. He'd been planning this date with Ginny for a while, and it had to go well. They'd been dating for a year, now, and Harry had a gift for her - a promise ring she had seen from a previous date with Harry.

"You look nice," Ron said from his bed. "I'm glad Ginny is in good hands like yours. But if you hurt her, Potter, I'll-"

"Turn me to a rat and set me loose in McGonagall's office, yes Ron, I remember from the last few times." Harry chuckled. "She's safe with me, I promise."

"Alright..." Ron smiled. "Now you go on and have some fun, er, not too much. And bring me back somethin'."

"Of course, Ron, how could I forget about my favorite ginger leech?" Harry laughed as he made his way to the great hall. Ginny was sitting on a bench, reading. She looked beautiful as always... Harry made his way up to her and cleared his throat.

"Ginny? You ready to go?" He smiled, excited. She looked up and smiled softly.

"Um, actually Harry, I was-" She began, but Harry was rambling and accidentally cut her off.

"I've got the money for lunch, I didn't want you paying for anything," He said.

"That's great, Harry, but I actually..." She trailed off. Harry began to get a bit nervous.

"Yeah, what's wrong? Need a rain check?" He asked, fiddling with the ring in his pocket.

"Actually Harry, I don't think... I want to go on this date today. Or any others... I don't feel like we work out anymore." Ginny said bluntly, yet still kept a kind tone.

Harry bit his lip. "I don't- I'm not sure what you mean."

"Harry..." Ginny sighed. "I'm sorry, but I think it's time to move on." She stood and kissed his cheek, then walked away without another glance back. Harry stood there for a moment, letting what had happened sink in. He then ran a hand through his hair and sat on the bench, sighing.

"Great," he muttered, "Just great. You can't keep anyone by your side, can you, Harry?" His eyes began to well with tears, dispite an attempt to hold them back. It was stupid, she's just a girl - but he couldn't help feeling like he lost yet another loved one. He wiped his eyes and rested his forehead against his fist. At least the hall was empty and he could have quiet.

"Potter?" Draco said, suddenly in front of him. Harry cursed under his breath; this was the last thing he needed. He wiped his eyes, looking up. Draco took a slight step back, clearly surprised by Harry's composure - he'd never seen Harry sulking before, let alone crying full tears.

"What, Malfoy?" Harry attempted to sound intimidating, but his voice was hardly a raspy croak. This seemed to bother Draco more, his brows furrowed in concern and his lips set in a confused line.

"Are you... crying?" He murmured.

"No, Draco, my eyes've just sprung a leak." Harry retorted sarcastically, then sighed, running his hand through his hair. "What's it to you, anyway?"

"I just..." Draco chuckled softly, "I've never seen you cry." He sat on the bench and looked at Harry. "What's wrong?"

Harry was taken aback by the Slytherin's sudden concern, looking at him quizzically. After a moment of silence, he murmured, "It's nothing."

"Well it has to be something, Harry. Cmon, no one else is around. Maybe we can actually talk to one another for a change."

"Fine," Harry huffed defensively, "If you must know, I was just dumped for a date in Hogsmead."

Draco's eyes widened with sudden interest and surprise. "Dumped? By the Weasel girl? Is she insane?"

"No she's not insane - Draco, what do you mean?" Harry asked, thoroughly confused.

"Well she must be insane if she'd dump you!" Draco exclaimed, then his cheeks became pink, but he continued talking. "B-because she certainly wouldn't be able to get anyone else like you."

"I'm still confused," Harry frowned. Did Draco just compliment him?

"Forget it," Draco murmured. "Hey, you said you were going to go to Hogsmead? You're all dressed up already, and I don't have plans... let's go together."

"Together?" Harry bit the inside of his lip to fight a blush. Did Draco just ask him out? "Like... a date?"

"Yeah, why not? Can't be any worse than getting dumped before one." Draco smiled hopefully and stood, offering Harry a hand. The brunette looked around, bashful; but no one was there, no one could weigh in an opinion; it was Harry's decision. If he wanted to... he could accept. Harry looked back at Draco, and took his hand.

"I suppose... just one date wouldn't be so bad..." He said, nervous. But Draco's unusually warm smile made him feel better, and he could only imagine what it'd be like when an enemy became something entirely different.

"I'm glad." Draco said, leading him out of the castle and towards Hogsmead, hand in hand, not once letting go.

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Hi guys! Sorry it's been so long!!! I hope this is good, perhaps I'll do a part 2, and also comment would any of you be interested in phanfic? Love ya,

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