Invisible Admirer

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I'm back!!! I'm currently hella grounded and my data got taken BUT I can write whenever I have WiFi!!! So glad to be back!

Harry closed his book quietly and started for the door, trying not to disturb anyone else's studying. He breathed a sigh of relief, happy to get out of the study hall before Ron or Hermione had the chance to-

"Where ya going, mate?" Ron called from behind him. Harry cringed and turned around.

"Nowhere. Bathroom."

Ron cocked a brow. "You sick?"

"Yeah, actually. I don't feel too good. Go on back to the dorms, I'll be there soon."

"Alright then. Feel better." Ron left towards the dorm room. Harry looked around to be sure nobody was looking, and slipped into the bathroom. There, he locked his belongings in a stall and slipped on his invisibility cloak. Then, he pulled the Marauder's Map from his pocket, and opened it.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." He said, watching the little footsteps and names appear. He scanned the map for Draco, and found he was in the Slytherin dorm room, pacing near his bed, like he always did before he went to sleep. Harry smiled - it was cute, the was Draco paced. Back and forth, back and forth, stopping whenever a significant thought caught his mind. Harry could see it now - the way he'd press his thumb to his lips in thought, nibbling at his fair skin. He often watched Draco pace before a Quidditch match.

Of course, if caught, he'd always turn away. Sure, Harry liked Draco, but he knew Draco wouldn't like him back. Shaking away his thoughts, he set off on his mission to the ground gardens, running his fingertips on the delicate petals.

Every night for the past three days, once Draco was asleep, Harry would sneak into the Slytherin dorms and put something on his nightstand with little love notes. Just little things - flowers, chocolates, things like that. Things nobody would suspect Harry of doing. And it was driving Malfoy crazy. The cutest kind of crazy. He asked around the Slytherins, the Hufflepuffs, the Ravenclaws, the Gryffindors. Nobody knew anything. It drove him mad, to the point of blushing if anyone looked at him too long.

After Harry found a particularly lovely batch of flowers, called fleur de serpent, a black flower with twine-like stems and light grey leaves. Draco would love them. He picked a few, tying them with a white ribbon. Then, he made his way to the Slytherin portrait. He peeked out of the cloak and the man in the painting smirked.

"Back again, are we? Another gift for the snake prince, I presume?"

"Yes. May I come in?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I know you mean no harm, Mister Potter." The painting opened, and Harry snuck into the Slytherin commons under the cloak. He made his way to Draco's bed, and set the flowers down. Then, he gazed at Draco quietly, smiling at the boy's sleeping form. He was truly lovely. Harry reached out and gently pushed one of Draco's blonde tresses from his face. It stirred the Slytherin, and he whined gently in his sleep, curling up in his blanket. Harry swooned. He made his way out, to the Gryffindor's commons, and went to bed.

The next morning, in the dining hall, Harry saw Draco with one of the flowers tucked behind his ear. Harry smiled.

"What are you smiling about?" Hermione asked.

"Me? Nothing. I'm not smiling. Where's Ron?" He asked, quickly changing the subject.

"He slept in today. He stayed up late worrying about you. Why have you been staying out so late?" She looked at him with her keen eyes. Harry gulped - she knew something.

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