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"FARRAH, ARE YOU SURE THIS IS A good idea?" Regulus asked as he and Josh followed the dark-haired girl. 

"Of course it isn't," she said, turning back to glance at the boys, "But does that mean we shouldn't do it?"

Josh shook his head, speaking lowly to Regulus, "We're going to die because Farrah wanted to draw. We're literally marching to our deaths so she can draw the moon."

"I heard that," the girl called out.

"Oh, you did?" Josh said, "Well, do you realize how stupid it sounds?"

Regulus nudged the Harper boy in the side, an indication that he was going too far, and started, "What Josh means to say is, couldn't you draw the moon from, you know, inside the castle?"

Farrah stopped and turned around, folding her arms across her chest as she stood in front of the two boys, "Listen, if you two are afraid of the Forest, you can go back to the common room. I only asked you guys to come for company because Remus is sick and Peter is looking after him but since it's such a big problem for you two, I can go by myself."

The two boys started to argue, saying that she shouldn't be outside by herself this late. Farrah rolled her eyes, "Then suck it up, put on your big girl panties and let's go. The full moon won't stay up forever."

The Slytherin trio continued their march across the grounds with no more conversation, the only sounds in the still night air being distant howls and Farrah humming an Elvis Presley song. When they reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Farrah teased, "Anyone want to take off their big girl panties and go back to the common room?"

"Don't tempt me," Josh replied, "Let's just get this over with."

The Muggleborn witch led the way deep into the forest, to a clearing she had discovered sometime last year when she was roaming the grounds. The clearing gave an amazing view of the night sky and while she had never come out on a full moon, she had no doubt that the clearing would not disappoint. 

"Wow," Regulus said as they walked into the open space, "How did you even find this?"

"I like to roam," Farrah said as she dropped her art bag on the ground and sat beside it, "Get comfortable, boys, we may be here a while."

Almost three hours later, the girl stopped drawing. She rest the book down and stood up, shaking her hand as she walked over to where Regulus and Josh were charming things to hit each other.

"Finished?" Regulus asked as he dodged a twig from Josh.

Farrah shook her head, "Almost. We'll be back in the castle in an hour, tops."

"Thank Merlin," Josh said as a loud howl came from the distance, "This place is starting to give me the creeps."

"Everything gives you the creeps," Regulus said.

"Ah, true. But-" the Harper said, cut off by another howl, "Am I the only one who thinks those howls are getting closer? I swear they're getting closer."

Farrah pinched his cheek, "Don't worry, Joshy. We'll protect you from the monster."

The half-blood pushed her hand away, "Just go finish your drawing."

The dark-haired girl laughed, turning to go back to her drawing space, when a rustling in the bush caught the trio's attention. Farrah took a step back and the boys a step forward, their wands raised in the direction of the disruption. Their eyes met briefly and they were about to fire a hex when Peter and Sirius came into the clearing.

"Oh great," Sirius said, running a hand through his hair, "Just perfect."

"Peter?" Farrah said, walking forward, "What are you doing out here? Didn't you say you were looking after Remus?"

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