Becoming a bride.

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I spent a month in this palace getting to know my husband and Today is our wedding day. I have also seen Ino and Sakura. They both have significant others of high positions. Sakura is going to be moving to Suna to live with Garra since he's the prince of Suna and Ino will be moving to the wave country to be with TenTen who is the princess there. I'm a little sad that I won't see them as much but hey, we'll still be able to write each other and see one another when all the kingdom come together again.

"Naruto come." I call for my bride he must get fitted for his dress I of course can't see him until the wedding day but I'm so excited he agreed to be my bride. "Naruto come and ...." "Hai hai kakabaka I'm coming." We have gotten close to where he gave me nicknames depending on how I was acting. I find it cute and funny. He's outspoken and a little loud once he gets excited sometimes brash but he is also quiet and mindful truly a Qüéêñ. He comes out the room and grabs my hand. "Mhm someone's affectionate today." I said as I kissed Naruto on the cheek. "Yeah I just want to be around you always is that bad?" "Not at all to me not at all.

(As you know the paragraphs were split up into either kakashi pov or Naruto it getting confusing so I'm going to try a 3rd person view instead.) (Ps. I was really just a lazy bitch and couldn't keep track)

Both Naruto and Kakashi walked down the hallway hand and hand they come up to the door where Naruto is to be fitted in a dress and let go of each other's hands but not before Naruto steals a kiss from his soon to be husband. With Kakashi standing there frozen Naruto went into the room to try on his dress. Kakashi regained himself and went to do his kingly duties since in a few weeks he will become king. "Ah Naruto are you ready to become a Hatake?" Asked Tsunade.
"More than ready it's like we were made for each other." Naruto gushed.
Naruto saw Kakashi Icha Icha collection but didn't want to tell him he read the books too. Consider it a Honeymoon surprise that he was sure Kakashi was going to love.

Naruto wedding dress was white and ballroom style but he had orange hearts on the bottom because come on Naruto was always one for bright things. He stood there in his dress and they flat ironed his spikes down so he looked more feminine. His hair reached his shoulders and they put on his veil. "You ready Naruto ?" "Yeah I'm ready just wish my mom and dad were here to see me get married." Naruto was in for a surprise from his husband. Kakashi tracked down Naruto family and got them all to come even his parents you know after he had Naruto's dad sign every copy of Icha Icha he owned.

Naruto is being led to the ballroom. Tsunade suddenly covers his eyes. "Uhm Baachan what are you doing." "Oh just a little surprise for you." She drops her hands and there stood his Mom and Dad. "Kaasan Tousan you guys made it." Naruto ran up to them and started crying. "Oh Naruto don't cry it's your wedding day." Said Kushina although she had tears in his eyes as well. "Well son that husband of yours tracked us down and postponed the wedding until we could make it. Then he made me sign all 150 copies of my book." Said Kuruma and Naruto Giggled.

"Yup that sounds like my husband." He's lazy but determined when he wants to be, he sexy and mysterious and he cannot wait to see him without his mask on. Where Naruto is brash Kakashi is strategic and where Naruto is loud Kakashi is quiet they balance each other out and compliment one another. The song starts playing and Kuruma holds out his arm. "Ready to get married?" Naruto has wipes his tears. "I am Dad I am." Suddenly the doors open thanks to Tsunade and Kushina the whole room stands up to see the bride walking down the isle. At the end of the isle stood his bridesmaids which were none other than Sakura and Ino. Then he looked and there stood his husband looking amazing in his suit that brought out his eye.

Naruto was so happy that he convinced himself to go to that ball or else he wouldn't have met Kakashi and fell in love with him. He reaches the alter and hands the bouquet to Sakura. Kakashi lifts up Naruto veil to see his face while the pastor starts the sermon. "Dearly beloved we are here to join Kakashi and Naruto in holy matrimony if anybody has anything to say about Said couple speak now or forever hold your peace." Naruto glares at the crowd "nobody better say a damn thing." Effectively shutting up the few remaining fan girls of HIS husband. Kakashi checks off in his head "my wife can also be scary let's not piss him off." The sermon continued on Do you Kakashi take Naruto to be your Wife for sickness and in health. "I do." And do you Naruto take Kakashi to be you Husband in sickness and in health. "I do"

"By the power invested in my You May Now kiss the bride." Kakashi turns his back to the crowd and pulls down his mask. Naruto basked it the beauty that is his husband before Kakashi leaned down and kissed him. Cheers erupted through the hall and Naruto parents or should I say Mom was crying. They turned around to face the crowd Kakashi effectively putting his mask back on. "Well as much as I love everybody here , Kakashi and I have a honeymoon to start." Naruto said and he tries to runaway until His Mom spoke up. "What about the bouquet honey." That's When Naruto remembered he walked back to Sakura and took the bouquet and split it in half giving one to Ino and the other to Sakura and the we're both confused until Naruto turned them around and they saw the significant other proposing to them.

Naruto and Kakashi then left but not before hearing the Cheers from the party. Naruto smiled a little to himself he was happy that the three of them was starting their lives. "Kakashi where are we headed to our honeymoon?" "You'll see Naru."

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