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“Why do I have to go first…?” I whined. 

Erin shot me a gleeful look, “because I want to know the little goody two shoes crush. We have been friends since forever and you never told me who you liked. I’m curiouuuuuuuuus.”

I sighed, “fine fine…I’ll have to tell you guys at some point anyways.”

It’s a pretty stupid story if you tell me. He was stupid. Really stupid, not to mention a total slacker, but I guess I was stupid too. Stupid for having a crush on him.

“Sammmmmmmmmmm.” Knight annoyingly called out to me.

“Shut upppppppppppppppppppp.” I would retort.

It was freshman year and before I met you guys, I met Knight first. Yes, I know that Knight. Cool, handsome and super popular Knight. You’d think I’d hate him because I’m the typical good girl, but I didn’t. I had a stupid crush on him like all the other girls. I was just good at hiding the fact that I did.  He was in honours math. He wasn’t that bad education wise. He’s just an idiot when he speaks. I think he looked better when his mouth was shut. Anyways – that’s beside the point.

Freshman year, there’s no stable clique yet, and Knight and I would talk pretty frequently because he sat beside me. No, he didn’t sit beside me because he was interested in speaking to me. He was late and to his misfortune and mine, I was beside the only seat available. You’d think he was super out going because of his popularity, but when we met, it was terribly awkward. He simply greeted me and I just nodded. There was no, “hi, nice to meet you, im popular and ima be a wholesome dick to you.”

It was awkward. Now I know what you guys are wondering, how the hell did we start talking? Here’s a little info, you guys probably never thought Knight would possibly be interested in. He was a closet geek.  

“Has the release come out yet?” Knight asked. 

“Dude, they released a chapter yesterday. It’s a monthly issue. Do the math.” I said, attempting to finish the class work.

He would laugh and then talk about all the moments in details as if I didn’t read it. And it’s embarrassing to tell you how I came to like him, it sounds cheesy, gross and disgustingly puke worthy, but you guys asked for it. I liked his smile, a lot. Smiles that he showed me.

The closer we got the worse it got, he shared stories about his life, interesting stories. Stories that made us laugh and bond.

It was only in math class that we ever interacted. If I ever saw him in the halls, I’d ignore him. I don’t know why, but I just did. Hellloo, by the time we got pretty close he was popular. I didn’t like being center of attention. I felt embarrassed. 

But still, those math classes were filled with lots of laughter and bickering. I shared him my stories and he would keenly listen. He wasn’t a jerk. He was nice.

Sure he’d try to push my buttons.

“Sammie, sammie, earth too little sammie, I’m going to bother you until you talk to me. Stop doing your math homework.”

But, of course, I’d retort back.

I glared at him, “Knight, Knight, Oh Knight in shining armour! Shut up.”

He hated that joke the most, he would act as if he was annoyed, but I had a sneaky feeling that he liked it.

I hated him to be honest. Hated him for being too nice to me. Half way through freshmen year, my life was turning into a soap opera. I was getting bullied. Everyone changed during freshmen, but I stayed good ol’ Sam. I was outside the school building to hide my tears. Yeah, I was a dramatic teen, I couldn’t stand up for myself, but I felt puny, small and useless.

Guess who shows up like an idiot.

Yeah, Knight.

The moment we laid eyes, I darted them away. It was unusual for him to be alone without his flock of friends. I’d hope he would pretend he didn’t see it, but he didn’t.

He sat beside me, “who made you cry this much?”

I didn’t respond.

Instead of endless silence, he blabbered, “you know, during middle school, I had a girlfriend, it was childish. You wanna know why we broke up?”

I glanced at him, he was smiling. “Why?”

“because, I said hi to her best friend.” I furrowed my brows and laughed.

“No way.”

“Yes way.”

In the end, he never asked why I cried again. I liked it better that way. Instead we just talked and talked. Filled the empty time with a bunch of words

I’d like to call this feeling love, but I knew it couldn’t be it. No, I just didn’t want it to be.

Us ending up together is only possible in the books and movies.

I looked at my fellow friends and smiled, “Whoa, I said a lot. I need to take a break before I tell you guys more, someone go next.”

Hana bit her lip, “Sam, isn’t Knight…”

I grinned, “yeah, he’s taken. To you guess it! Claire, the most popular girl in our school! They’re a good match. She isn’t terrible.” 

Mei looked concerned, always worrying about others. “have you guys talked after that?”

I sighed, “long story short, I guess. After math class, there was no reason to talk anymore. I met you guys and we had fun. He was in some of my classes after the years, but we didn’t talk. We found no reason to speak to each other.”

Tina hugged me, “my poor Sam, I wished I met you then, so I could comfort you. Do you still like him?”

I smiled, “Mhm, I don’t know. It was a stupid crush anyways.”

I turned to Erin who was oddly quiet, “I’d expect you to say something not to be this quiet.”

Erin frowned and then flicked my forehead.

“Ouch, what was that for?"

“Don’t smile, don’t force yourself. You really loved him, didn’t you?” This is what I love and hate about Erin. Always so loud and obnoxious but caring and kind

But, I laughed.

“Why are you laughing!?” Erin looked at me confusingly.

“I wouldn’t call it love. It was not enough to be called that, perhaps, it was a crush. An unrequited crush. It’s not a sad story about how my crush was not requited. It’s about moving on, perhaps? ”

Erin looked confused but didn’t press further.

I let my mind float, a part of the story I didn’t tell them. But, not everything should be shared right?

It was the end of freshman year, Knight and I knew this would be the end to our friendship.

On the last day of school, he asked the girl he was in love with to be his girlfriend.

On the last day of school, he held her hand and blushed profusely.

On the last day of school, he saw me.

On the last day of school, he ran to me.

On the last day of school, he hugged me.

On the last day of school, he told me he was glad I was his friend.

On the last day of school, I cried

Thanks Knight and goodbye.

I grinned, “So who’s next?”

Stories for the Broken Hearts [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now