The Second Investigation~

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I walk down the halls to the cafeteria. Suddenly, Hana and Hachirou sprint past. They're already too far away, it's too late for me to ask where they were going. I keep walking and no other groups run by.. I reach the cafeteria and Chiyo, Daisuke and Shin are there, searching every nook and cranny. Strange.. Saki is usually close to Shin. Then, I notice the tear stains on Shin's face and shirt and his frantic expression. He rushes past me as I head towards Chiyo. "What's going on?" I ask as she looks up at me. "According to Shin, Saki's gone missing. We all split up to look for her.." she mumbles. Then, she must be..

"Dong ding ding dong! A body has been found in the gymnasium!"

"No.. no no no.." Shin immediately begins to panic and runs towards the gym. We follow behind him, and see the other students heading towards the gym as well. We make it to the gym and Shin screams in horror.

Daichi, Yamato and Ryou are standing over a dead Saki Yoshida. Her eyes are calmly closed and her face looks relaxed. She's lying in the center of the gym in a pool of pink blood. Her neck is slit and covered in dried blood and a knife lies next to her. She lies completely straight on her back.

"A-Aneki!!" Shin screams, collapsing to the side of her corpse. He cries, grasping her cold hand as Chiyo and Takara kneel down next to him, comforting him. "I suppose those secrets won't be getting out after all.." Daichi mumbles. "H-How can you f-focus on that?!" Shin yells, his voice cracking. "Well.. We obviously know who the culprit is.." he states, gesturing towards him. The others are silent. "Wh-What makes you think I did it?!" He shouts. Daichi giggles, "The only one making a scene... Trying to cover up your crime.." "If it was your family, you'd have done the same!" Ryou yells. Suddenly, we hear.. "Upupupupu.. What a lovely scene!" Monokuma pushes his way past us and pats Saki's forehead. "Well, no use wasting your time crying over the body, get to investigating!" He announces, clapping his paws together. 

Takara and Chiyo help a broken and shaking Shin up to his feet as the others look around. Hana and Hachirou surround the body, examining the slit throat. "Whoever did this was very shaky.. The cut is very messy.." Hachirou mumbles sullenly. Hana picks up the knife and stares at it. "Wait.. This isn't a real knife.." Hana says, surprised. She passes the 'knife' to Hachirou, who presses the tip of the blade to his finger and a drop of blood leaks out. "It's very sharp.. It could very well be used as a weapon.." He states. Just then, Yamato returns from.. somewhere.. with a piece of clothing. "Look what I found.." he says.. monotonously. Ever since we discovered his secret, he's been acting differently. He hands me the piece of clothing and I examine it. It's a piece of a black shirt sleeve. It looks burned and bloodstained. "This could have been worn by the killer.." I mumble. Yamato stares blankly at the shirt sleeve. "Glad I could help.." He says quickly and gets up. "Hang on," I start. He looks back down at me. "Are you okay?" I ask. He nods quickly and walks over to Tsubasa, Ryou and Daisuke. I sigh and look back at Saki's body. "She was lying down so stiffly when she was murdered.. It's weird.." Hana whispers shakily. I look up. Daichi is staring at the body so confidently. He really believes it was Shin.. But we have nothing to go off of..

Quick A/N:

Heyo! So, another student has been killed off! Ya- *cough* I mean oh noo..

Anyways, hope you liked that chapter! I do have a lot of fun and I actually love the characters I came up with. It's hard to kill them off.. one by one.. *cough* i cri with Shin 

Cya bye!


(P.S. Aneki is an informal way to say sister. Kind of a fun fact!)

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