The Drama Continues (Part 2)

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Sweet Pea Pov

Once I saw the picture I knew it was because I gave her a ride home and she had my jacket on. Someone saw us probably that red headed pretty boy fucker that Jughead is always bitching about well he's about to learn his lesson on manners. 

I speed away on my motorcycle towards Riverdale High school. I pull into the parking lot as everyone is getting out of school. I light a cigarette and wait there until I see her or the preppy red head football player. I see Veronica first coming out of school looking miserable then she sees me and walks towards me quickly.

"What are you doing here, are you trying to make things worse. I've already been called Serpent slut all day and had it tagged on my locker for no reason and now here you are showing up like you're my boyfriend or something" she said to me and I roll my eyes "gorgeous you wish I was your boyfriend" I said to her and she rolls her eyes "not at all what I wish is that you didn't show up here" she tells me just as Archie comes out of the school and I smirk "I didn't come to see you, I came here to have a word with all muscle and no brain over there and probably with the personality of a wet mop I'm sure" I said to her and walk around her once Archie sees me he walks towards me also but not alone with all his football friends. Veronica gets in front of me putting her hand on my chest stopping me when I'm almost right near Archie "don't do anything stupid, it's not worth getting arrested" she tells me and I scoff "like that's ever stopped me" I said to her.

I turn when I hear another bike pull in and it's Jughead "looks like I have back up too" I say to her as another bike pulls in and then another "you really think they wouldn't follow me" I said to her and then I remove her hand from my chest and continue making my way to Archie who's arms are crossed over his chest like he's a model for underwear or something "why are you here" he growls and I smirk "you're dumb ass if you don't know why I'm here" I said to him and he shrugs "what because someone wrote Serpent Slut on Veronica's locker well I had nothing to do with that" Archie said to me "oh please yes you did you had one of your loser football friends do it" Veronica said stepping in "so you called your new boyfriend to defend you, I didn't think you'd be the type to fall for Serpent Trash. Both you and Betty seem to be full of surprises lately" said Archie and I step closer to him "first of all ass wipe I'm not her boyfriend and from what I gathered you aren't either not that I need to explain myself to you but I was just giving her a ride home" I tell him "she could've called a cab not that she should've been at Whyte Wyrm in the first place" said Archie.

I step closer to him "I think she's a big girl and can make her own decisions on where she should go" I said and Archie also steps closer "well she should stick to her own kind not hang around with trash like you. Betty has no choice she lives on the southside you really think she would choose to hang out with you otherwise" said Archie and I give him a shove out of my face "walk away preppy before you get yourself hurt" I growl and then Jughead is next to me just as Archie is about to take a swing and he grabs Archie's arm and twists "word of advice it's going to take more than telling Alice Cooper about me to get Betty to stay away from me, give up preppy you won't fucking win" said Jughead then lets him go knocking him to the ground and turns around giving me a look to walk away but I turn to Veronica "you need a ride somewhere" I ask her and then Betty appears with Toni.

Veronica looks up at me "thanks but I'm gonna hitch a ride with Betty and Toni "some girl time" she says to me "listen that asshole bothers you again, you get the message to me" I tell her and she laughs " I don't have your number and two mean right hook remember" she said with a wink and I just step closer to her and reach into the back pocket of her jeans stepping closer than I need to be just to piss off Archie. I take her phone out and swipe it open and I put in her password "how'd you know my passcode" she asks me and I chuckle "saw you type it in last night, I have a good memory sweet cheeks" I said then I hand her phone back to her and she takes it "now you have my number" I said with a wink and I walk away but then turn back to her "don't be afraid to use it for any other purpose, I'm a good listener among other things" I tell her then I turn back towards my bike.

Betty Pov

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Betty Pov

After the whole confrontation that actually didn't end in much violence, Veronica got into the car with me and Toni "so what's the deal with you and Sweet Pea" Toni asks breaking the silence that was in the car, Veronica shrugs "nothing, he just gave me his number said in case Archie harasses me again to get the message to him" said Veronica and Toni laughs "and you bought that, he totally is hot for you" said Toni and I give a grin "definitely is" said Betty and Veronica rolls her eyes "I think I need to stay away from boys for a while" she said to me and Toni.

I shrug as I pull into pop's which is where Jughead and Sweet Pea are "going to be hard to avoid Sweet Pea if your Best friend is with the leader of the serpents" said Toni with a wink "and just a warning they don't give up easy when they are interested in a girl trust me I would know" I warn her and we all get out of the car and head into Pop's "remember no talking about Jugheads birthday, I already threatened all the guys that I would cut off their balls if they even mention anything about it" said Toni as we enter Pop's.

I sit down next to Jughead giving him a kiss on the cheek and then Toni sees Cheryl who she was meeting here and she walks away and Veronica looks over where Sweet Pea is sitting "you could sit sweet cheeks I don't bite" said Sweet Pea and she sighs then sits down. We order burgers and shakes as always "so you think Archie will stop harassing you now after today" I ask Veronica "he better if he knows what's good for him" said Sweet Pea as he takes his last bite out of his burger, "Sweet Pea don't do anything stupid he's not even worth it" said Veronica with a shrug, "you should say it was him that wrote it on your locker and have the school make him clean it off" said Jughead with a smirk.

Veronica rolls her eyes "I already cleaned it off and it made me late for cheerleading practice luckily Cheryl was understanding and also has been by my side through it because she is dating a serpent so she takes these things personally now too" she tells us "wait they know about it and don't give her a hard time" said Sweet Pea and Veronica leans back "she wasn't dating the captain of the football team, god all the time I spent being his trophy basically it's amazing the things you realize after a break-up" said Veronica with a sigh. 

Sweet Pea chuckles "so you realized that you were a trophy wife pretty much like every other wife here on the north side" said Sweet Pea and Veronica looks over at him "that's what you think of the women here" said Veronica and I smirk "it's true about some" I say with a grin and Sweet Pea smirks "most yes definitely not you, no woman here would ever punch a serpent in the face" said Sweet Pea with a grin at her and she shrugs "I'm from New York not Riverdale" said Veronica with a smirk.

Sweet Pea looks her up and down as she gets up to leave "you are totally hot for her" said Jughead with a laugh "I'm not hot for her but I have eyes she is hot. Please her parents would lock her up if she even gave me a glance, I mean her parents are Hiram and Herimone Lodge" said Sweet Pea then sighs "I'm gonna head to the Whyte Worm, I'm supposed to work the bar tonight" said Sweet Pea as he gets up then Veronica comes back over "you work the bar at eighteen" said Veronica and he smirks "age ain't nothin but a number at the Whyte Wyrm" said Sweet Pea "you wanna join me at the Whyte Wyrm, drinks on me" said Sweet Pea with a wink "no I have to get home" she said as she looks outside and sees her driver.

We watch her leave "see like I said too rich to even think of a guy like me" said Sweet Pea then leaves also and we look out the window as he gives Veronica a nod then gets on his bike. I look over at Jughead "don't look at me like that, it took us a few months just to get where we are now, they'll figure it out" said Jughead with a shrug "do you think she likes him" I ask him and he smirks "she's definitely as curious as you were" said Jughead with a grin and I laugh "who wouldn't be curious about the mysterious Jughead Jones" I said with a grin and he chuckles "you wanna go hang out at my house tonight" Jughead asks and I give him a grin along with a nod then we leave Pop's after Jughead gives Toni a kiss on the cheek saying good bye to her and giving Cheryl a nod and I give them both hugs.

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