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Kegan POV
I groan as I hear my stupid alarm clock go off signaling it's time for me too get up and go too my least favorite place " KEGAN WAKE UP " I hear my idiot father yell but I don't say anything . Once I'm up and my bed is mad I get up and go shower, let me introduce myself my name is Kegan Barnes I'm 18 years old and I'm what people call a were lion AKA a better version of a wolf, my lions name is Orion he's been my best friend since I was 7 usually feline shifters don't communicate with their inner beasts till they are at least 10 but me I started hearing him when I was 6. I'm not what most people think when you say lion I'm skinny and kinda pale but I'm no pushover I'm actually the best fighter in my pride but I don't like too boast about it, once I'm done with my shower I get out and look in my closet for a outfit but before I can pick I sense  Orion looking through my eyes and hear him grumble but don't say anything which is surprise seeing as he usually always has a snide comment about my father when he hears his voice. I decided on a pair of black jeans some steel toed boots and a black flannel shirt with a few of my ring and a beanie " KEGAN DONT MAKE ME COME UP THERE " I hear my father bark once again and before he even opens my door a kick right past him and snarl at him " if you would chill old man I was getting dressed " now I know it may seem disrespectful but he's not my real dad he's my real dads mate and I don't hate him but I can't stand him
" Samuel honey don't start early this morning " my real dad  Berry says and I walk over and hug him before grabbing an apple and my car keys " I'm headed out see you when I get him dad " I say before walking out of our family suit and down the stairs of the main pride house and out too the garage and hop into my black 2022 BMW and get in sighing before driving towards my school .
Boris POV
I sigh sitting back against my throne my head resting against my palm as I listen too one of my old sniveling guards beg for mercy. Let me introduce myself my name is Boris Lane I am 18 years old and I'm the ruler or leader of a clave which is another word for a large group of dragons ,I took over the kingdom after my father or so he used too be fled and I've been over my clave ever since . after hearing him plead his case for assaulting my head chef. " your majesty please I was only doing what I saw fit as the head warrior I beg of you " I roll my eyes and sigh " Jordan you had no right attacking MY CHEF don't forget I have eyes and ears everywhere in this castle now tell me what I should do too you I've stripped you of everything and throwing you in the dungeon is less fun " I sit back and tilt my heart signaling two baron guards too drag him out of my sight and once he's gone I get up and stretch taking off through the open skylight my black scaled wings unraveling from my cloak and I smile loving the way the sun shiners against my face. " MATE GO WEST I CAN SMELL OUR MATE " my dragon Onyx yell and i wince it's like having a rock band constantly screaming your head " dude chill I'm on it " I easily take off near the western pride one of my friends is actually interning as a blacksmith in this town so it was easy for me too find. I land near a school and I instantly get hit with the smell of Rain and strawberries and I follow it making sure too stay hidden and I see the most beautiful boy I've ever seen " CLAIM HIM YOU FOOL " i groan again with the screaming " calm down Onyx we aren't even supposed too be here here so we can't just barge in we might scare him " I informed my impatient counter part and after watching him converse with some people he is out of my sight hidden behind the school, once I can't see him I take off back towards my castle and I land on my balcony and walk inside my room and go take a shower .
Kegan pov
For some reason Orion is acting weird I can't figure out why and he won't tell me ,so I texted my dad and told him I was coming home but no reply. Okay now I know this isn't right my dad usually answers after I call six times but nothing so I speed towards my house but when I get there I'm met with a horrific sight everything was on fire burning it all was burning, I sprint through calling for my dad or even Samuel but nothing " Cub you have too run " I look near what was our prides garden and I see my dad pinned under a wall and I run trying too push it off but I can't even with Orion  I can't move it and Samuel is nowhere too be found " daddy you can't leave me here alone " I drop down grabbing his hand " you have too run before he comes back it was him you were right but now you have too run " he coughs heavily before his heart stop and I sigh standing up and going into the woods and grabbing a bag I had hidden near a tree walk back too my car and I sob. Not only from the loss of my father but the loss of my pride but the fact that his own mate betrayed him " go west Kegan you'll sense him when we are close " is all Orion says and with a deep breathe I start my car and go west.
Hello my loves I had too do a rewrite because I didn't like the way the story is

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