Chapter 4

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Two months later

Kegan's POV:
It's been two months since I came too the dragons territory I learned that the one I'm staying with is named Boris his father used too be head of the clave
But now he is. I even met this one guy named Carson he's wired but fun too be around and sometimes we even hang out " cub it's almost time " Orion says and I smile looking at the clock seeing it almost time for me too find him, I'm sitting watching Tv when I smell it that Vanilla and Honey I get up and follow it too Boris's study and I look at the door before knocking on it " come in kitten " I hear his deep baritone voice and I shiver hearing Orion purr and I walk in seeing my mate staring at two computer screens while holding a pen and I walk over too him and look at him "'s you isn't it " I ask looking down knowing he's gonna reject me " what's wrong kitten not happy " he smiles getting up and hugging me putting his face at the crook of my neck and I giggle " no but I didn't expect you too accept me " I hear him growl lowly and looks at me deep in my eyes " your my mate my inner flame I will ever let you go " he says and before I can say anything I can feel his lips on mine and I instantly kiss him back wrapping my arms around his neck never wanting too be let go " my little kitten I'll always take care of you " he says and I can see it in his eyes he means it and I smile .
Boris POV
Fucking finally I've never been this happy a day in my life I have my mate the one prism I've been waiting for and he's perfect smart funny and he's tough being able too take down me the head of the dragon clave and even my top entry guards in just a few short minutes, I couldn't have been more happy " Boris your drooling again what's wrong " my sweet kitten wipes my face and I look at him shaking my head and bear hugging him close before kissing his face " hey come on cut it out " he giggles trying too get away but I only tighten my grip smiling more . I love having my mate with me but he has also fallen in love with the hatchlings he's always playing with them and he's even found a new little friend a small blue dragon he's named berry but he also knows he can't keep him because the hatchlings is not ready too be away from the nursery yet  " baby can you hang out in the suit while I go training "  I ask my small mate and he looks up at me his eyes shining bright " can I come with you I wanna train " he ask jumping on my back and I smile walking out of the suite and towards the training grounds which is really just a huge chunk of mountain forced out into a wide area it has practice dummies fake weapons and eyes an area for some of the elementals too practice . Once I get farther away I set my mate down and smile at him " are you sure you wanna do this I don't wanna hurt you " I ask too nervous for him being here I really don't wanna hurt him " you hurt me yea right big guy " he says and before I can do or say anything I'm already on my ass with my mates barefoot on my neck .
3rd POV
Kegan jumps back landing on his feet his claws drawn out but not sharp Ike they usually are " damn kitten your fast but if  you wanna play fine " he smirks and he cracks his neck and what seem like scales start too spread over his body and he charges at Kegan and starts swinging but the more he punches Kegan can easily dodge, Kegan easily ducks under his mate and jabs him four times in his stomach before slipping under him and kicking under his knees " hey don't underestimate me " he giggles but Kegan isn't paying attention and was knocked down and had a fist aimed at his face and the dragon smiles pinning his mate down " I like you under me little lion " the large dragon snicker smoke coming his nose and he kisses his mates lips before flipping them over and holding his mate in his lap.
Here is the revised chapter 4 and Onyx up top enjoys my lovelies

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