"The illumination of the house shadow cast outwards in the sea of darkness, the triangular pieces scattered bearing the mark of evil that strangled your mind ripping the possiblity of any granted faithfulness,bodies scattered twisted in an oblivion, molecules soaked dried as the blood seethed disdain as it buried on top of the millions, chants and rituals spurred from lips of bone and copper tearing the soul apart as the greed grew from hunger, perspiration soon condensed into clouds surged forward until they knew they were no more, the horrors of the building's mystery still lies uncovered, when some believe it is no longer."
Poetry"She held on to the thorn knowing it would prick her, and grabbed on to it's roots knowing she would fall, but the hope that flickered in her eyes always seem to shimmer, nothing demolished it at all, she carved her art on the canvas and set the li...