Part 17

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*Pietro's POV*
"Really Natasha" I said glaring at her.
"Sorry" She said.
"Well we should all go to bed" Tony said going to his room.
Everybody was leaving to their rooms but I just sat their.
"Jarvis alert me when Mia gets here" I said walking to my room.
*Mia's POV*
When I woke up I was strapped to a table. And I hate this table because it was used for memory wipes at the old base.
"Hello Asset 18843" said a man walking in.
"We are going to repair your arm and leg, give you a memory wipe and then read your book" he said carrying a new arm and leg.

The memory wipe was done and all I remembered was my asset numbers, my battle name and I'm loyal to hydra. I was lying their when someone came in with a read book and started talking in German.
Schatten (Shadow)
Drachen (Dragon)
Soldat (Soldier)
Schnee (Snow)
I turned into the Shadow Soldier fast and he didn't finish my words because I got up and said "Ready to comply"
And with I went to my cell and went to sleep.
Dream/Old memory's?
I remembered everything and I couldn't go back everyone was probably mad at me because I left.
I woke up and took a shower. I got out and put a short black top and short jean shorts:

 I got out and put a short black top and short jean shorts:

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I was ready to make a escape plan. I would go in the vents after lunch, go to the roof and fly away but I knew it wouldn't be that simple. So I went to eat breakfast and went to training until lunch.
I was done with training and it was time for lunch, I pack some in my tiny black bag with all my other stuff and went to my cell where there is a bathroom. (Yes, Hydra got an upgrade) I looked at the vent on the ceiling and hopped on the counter to get in the vent. Now the alarms wouldn't go off yet because I wasn't supposed to do anything right now but when I got outside the alarms went off and I flew away quickly.
*Tony's POV*
When I got up everyone was panicking that Mia was kidnaped. I spent all morning looking for her or a hydra base. And we couldn't find her.
*Mia's POV*
I went to fly to Sweden because I have always wanted to go their. When I got there I found a abandoned house so I made it feel like home then I went on a walk. I was sitting on a bench when I heard someone talking about a fight club.
I saw the man saying it and went up to him.
"Kan du prata engelska?" I asked him. (Can you speak English)
"Yes" He said in English.
"Why?" He asked.
"I heard you talkin about a fight club, where is it?"
"And why would I tell you pretty lady?" He asked with a smirk.
"Because I want to join" I said.
"Ok but I'm not betting on you" He said telling me where it was and that it was opened every night at 10 to 2.
Then I went back to my house and went to bed.

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